JoyB » collections



  1. Wow! I've never heard of that. I will have to Google that as well :) Thank you so much OlofZ! You have been a tremendous help!
  2. Thank you OlofZ! I went to those links and am using some of their wording trying to figure it out, lol. Looking for them on Google images as well. I just love a mystery :)
  3. Good question katherinescollections! OlofZ, what do you think of the error in the writing? I wish we could "tag" people on here so they could see they were mentioned in a comment, kind of like...
  4. Thank you Caperkid! Still haven't been able to figure out what that Ball bottle is, or when Ball may have made bottles for companies.
  5. I love it! Thank you Caperkid! The thought of "uncovering" things that haven't been seen in years :)
  6. Oh wow! Thank you guys so much! Mom in law was born in Scotland, Dads parents were from England. Thank you katherinescollections! I thought I was losing it and typed it into Google 4 times to try &...
  7. Cool bottle! In reading the Government warning on the back, did they do that in 1908?
  8. It has helped. Thank you so much Roycroftbooksfromme1. I will look into ways of testing bone although it is a very smooth finish. Doesn't really feel like it could be bone, more of a porcelain feel.
  9. I love those! Especially the tiger eye!
  10. Gorgeous Agram.m!
  11. I did find several on ebay, but all were from the latter company, after the name change in 1931, maybe it makes no difference?
  12. Lol, my fur babies are the same way! I love them! You can be gone 5 mins & to them you might as well have been gone a week! :) Thank you so much for the info. Do you have any idea about the materia...
  13. I am not sure it's Malachite, mainly because of the translucency. Malachite is not translucent, it has veins of white in it. I ammore along Agate lines. Beautiful bracelet with definite Southwest appe...
  14. It is a beautiful piece! I love the simple design. Very calming
  15. Thank you so much Inky!
  16. Oh thank you Hamish! It is quite a heavy piece! I put it up in my jewelry box :) I actually have a 2nd brooch, similar, that I am hoping to get posted as well. It looks alot like the link for leopard ...
  17. You are welcome! Crazy Horse or Wild Horse Turquoise is becoming more common in Native jewelry. I believe Native people's started using it in and around the 80's :)
  18. Thank you antiquerose! ?
  19. Freheit, that is a gorgeous necklace! White Buffalo Turquoise has very distinctive White Background and Black matrix. With the creamy colored beige & pinkish hues I think this piece would be Wild Hors...
  20. Wow thank you so much! Really? I had no idea nutsabotas6! Dare I say I only paid $2 for it :)
  21. Gorgeous! I recently got a table very similar, but mine only has 4 drawers, no fold out. Would love to find a Singer machine for it, the one that was on it was a Universal and was converted to electri...
  22. Really pretty
  23. Very cool!
  24. Those are awesome!
  25. Oh no that makes sense. I thought, even though there wasn't anything broken, there does appear to be "rusty" look to the rim. Thank you, kivatinitz, for helping me solve this!
  26. Yes, it did. I was amazed. Is it possible that they made shorter ones? There is just 1 chip below the top lip, but no broken area
  27. Wow! Thank you! No wonder mom was so protective over them! We're the all made with an "upper part"? There is nothing broken on them, was the upper part a separate piece that just sat on top of them?
  28. Thank you kivatinitz! I guess this is one for Antique Road Show. I can't find anyone who can identify a possible maker or roughly date them. Hmmmm....
  29. I love when something like that happens! Cool piece!
  30. Alright fortapache! I am 1/4, but not recognized. It is a small world :) "All my relations"
  31. LOL, yes it is very strange that they chose a Native American Chief as a railroad souvenir????
  32. Very cool & unique
  33. Try a Google search on "vintage north wind carved rocking chair" I found a lot of similar items :)
  34. Very cool! Evidently there were not many of those made. According to The story behind this piece is that the Canadian Railroad presented the Indian Chieftian t...
  35. Yes, it does help. Thank you reneewv. I found a few, but opinions on age seem to vary quite a bit
  36. I'll patiently wait my turn :) Thank you brother! LOL blunderbuss2
  37. I don't believe hallmarks on Native American Jewelry really got popular until the 1950's (ish) It definitely looks Navajo to me also. Love it!
  38. I am Cherokee, I also want one!!
  39. That is so cool! I love it!
  40. Awesome, I love it
  41. Oh that is gorgeous! I love it!
  42. That is really beautiful!
  43. So pretty!
  44. Thank you katherinescollections!
  45. Oh great idea! I didn't want to buy the books for 1 piece. I didn't even think of the library. I have checked on several websites :) Thank you so much for all your help scottvez!
  46. What a gorgeous trunk!
  47. Thank you so much for your help scottvez! Yes it has a beautiful ring to it. There is no missing paint or even gloss. No grazing, flea bites, scratches, or chips of any kind. The only thing I can ...
  48. Very cool & unique! Love it!
  49. Thank you scottvez, I have looked at some of the pricing on eBay's sold items. I really haven't seen one as large as this one. Most are roughly 10 or 10-1/2" and this is 11-1/2", which one of the coll...
  50. Love the color on that jar! I have used this website:
  51. See more


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