Agram.m » collections




For as long as I can remember, I love beautiful things like so many other people. In order to watch but also to collect them especially antique jewelry from the 18thFor as long as I can remember, I love beautiful things like so many other people. In order to watch but also to collect them especially antique jewelry from the 18th and 19th centuries. This out of hand hobby which has grown into a passion. When I was fourteen years old I got a silver watch chain birthday present from an aunt to wear as bracelet. That was my first introduction to antique jewelry. I posted it already on CW. I enjoy wherever possible to find affordable antique jewelry and could build in this way a decent collection. Since I am retired for several years I'm able to spend time in searching, viewing and publishing and like to share and show my collection to fellow collectors. Furthermore I like to share my knowledge of antique jewelry with others and also learn from the knowledge and experience collectors. (Read more)


  1. Thank you all!
  2. DejaVu2 thank you very much
  3. Kivatinitz thanks for your very helpfull link and interest!
  4. Indeed a beauty!
  5. wollcott 1 thanks for your nice comment I wish you also all the best
  6. Thank for comment and I was also in love
  7. Thanks for looping and comment
  8. racer4four thank you and of course I agree
  9. Thank you all for your nice comment.
  10. Stillwater thanks for comment. Awaiting your photos from bracelet
  11. Thanks Kyra for your nice compliment and attention.
  12. Thanks you all for your nice comment and response.
  13. Manikin, Kev123, kivatinitz and PhilDMorris, thanks for your kind comment and response.
  14. Mrstyndall thanks for interest and love
  15. What a beauty,
  16. CStorrs86 , I bought it like it is with setting. But any jeweler can make it this way. In silver as mine or as gold what you wish. Succes!
  17. Thank you all for interest and love!
  18. plein-air-painter and Kyra thank you both for your useful comment and love.
  19. Very special !
  20. Indeed what a beauty!
  21. Thanks again Kyra for your nice reply and love. Was well as the other lovers
  22. Thanks Kyra, just as I admire your collection and your restoration skills
  23. Thank you all for your interest and love.
  24. kivatinitz thanks for your comment.
  25. PhilDMorris, Watchsearcher, Manikin and Kyratango thank for your copliments and useful comment. Thank you all for the interest.
  26. Thaks you all for your love and comment.
  27. Watchsearcher, kyratango and apostate thanks for your interest and comment. Alle the other jewelry lovers thanks !
  28. Vynil33rpm thanks for attention and love.
  29. kivatinitz, thank you for your nice comment. I missed you too. But I'm going to report every now and then and also post new items. Good day
  30. jscotto363 thank you very much for your nice comment.
  31. Thanks vetrai050!
  32. Gillian thanks for your comment and question. I add the dimensions.
  33. Valentino97 theo are made of bakeliet i did the Simichrome test as you see.
  34. Bruce99, fortapache and BHIFOS thanks for love.
  35. Watchsearcher , the stem is in the cherry with the piece without a square end. That can be pulled out and of course put back in. With this side, the stem is pulled through the earlobe piercing. Then ...
  36. aura, raven3766 thanks for your attention. RichmondLori and vetrai050 also thanks for your nice comment and compliment.
  37. Newfld what a nice comment, thanks!
  38. Thanks you Ben, Vynil33rpm, fortapache thank you!
  39. Watchsearcher you can see on the last photo how the stem can be removed from the cherry.
  40. Thanks LaurenRedmond, Watchsearcher and PhilipsDMorris for your nice and useful comment.
  41. Stillwater this is the link :
  42. Stillwater, maybe you can also tell me more about this antique necklace? I don't know what it's for. But I bought this myself in Beging and it came with a wax stamp as identification for an antique o...
  43. Stillwater, Hope you're doing well, me too. Thank you very much for your interest and seeking more information. It is very useful and I am very happy with it.
  44. kwqd, vintagelamp and valentino97thanks for your interest and love.
  45. katherinecollections thanks for your nice compliment and looking
  46. kyratango, Kyra thanks for your very nice compliment and comment. kivatinitz and plein-air-painter thank you both for you comment fortapache, Newfld, vetraio50, dav2no1, Vynil33rpm, Watchsearcher ...
  47. jscott0363 thanks for interest and love.
  48. jscott0363 for your interest and love
  49. Ivan49 thanks.
  50. apostata thanks for your comment.
  51. See more


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