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A Look at the Noruko Method of Kokeshi Doll-making. - Dollsin Dolls
Re: What The Hell is This For Sean - Moviesin Movies
Bossons Wall Art Repair or Fun With A Mr. Sharpie 
Hot Water Urn  - Kitchenin Kitchen
Trick Coin Machined From Two Coins - US Coinsin US Coins


  1. I’m just not one for having people riding on my coattails... T A
  2. It’s under the Williamsburg Bridge in New York, if that wasn’t known. T A
  3. @frisco you should check out my post above (#7). T A
  4. Oh you’re welcome. T A
  6. They formed circa 1987 and closed 2011. T A
  7. If you look at the sixth photo in that defunct eBay auction I posted... T A
  8. I was thinking along the lines of a vintage emergency responders tool, sorta like pre jaws of life. Something along those lines...
  9. Lol, glad to help you remember. T A
  10. It’s a bowl vase with flower frog. T A
  12. Happy to help, T A
  13. The Cunard White Star Line exited 1934 to 1949. Of course the case could be older... T A
  14. First guy is Theodor Heuss, the first President of the Federal Republic of Germany. The second guy is Kurt Schumacher, he was the leader of the Social-Democrat Party from 1945 to 1952. They are ...
  15. Here is the real deal Love bracelet, if your’s is marked Cartier, you can walk it into any Cartier for authentication:
  16. Here’s a news story that may interest you: T A
  17. It’s a Linocut, made from burlap backed Linoleum, not leather. T A
  18. As a kid I remember these at Service Merchandise (and out in the wild in the back of a few limousines). T A
  19. T A
  20. I think you are correct, the company held several patients for rug loom innovations and had a giant factory in New Jersey. So I don’t think it’s a case of them importing rugs from Asia and putting the...
  21. T A
  22. Possibly Mittens Manufacturing Co. Redlands, CA. T A
  23. Hello! Yes, still here. Always nice to see/hear you. T A
  24. It says: Wellington Box 1064 Tokyo Japan. T A
  25. You’re welcome; happy to help. T A
  26. No the copper plating is there... T A
  27. Every morning I have three sweet little wild bunnies waiting for me to bring them carrots and sunflower seeds to them in the front garden :) T A
  28. Cigarette Holder. T A
  29. There is an appraisal link on the main page. Since it isn’t fine art, but a mass production piece, it’s value is as a decor piece — depending on how bad someone wants it. Sorry it’s not the answer...
  30. T A
  31. I’m thinking that there is enough “silver” on the edge to think that it’s an environmental/chemical discoloration and not missing the cupronickel on both sides. The coin would be a bit lighter in weig...
  32. You’re welcome. T A
  33. No, sorry. It’s most likely die deterioration, some would argue that it machine doubling, but I note the wear at the top of the motto “In God We Trust”. T A
  34. Are you thinking more along the lines of Hollywood Regency for this rendition of the Three Graces? T A
  35. You’re welcome! T A
  36. People enjoy drama, so dramatic errors, errors that should have never left the mint, things like that, that’s what is rare and sought after. T A
  37. I’m not saying this isn’t an error in a very broad sense that anything other than perfection is an error. Unfortunately that doesn’t make it valuable or sought after. T A
  38. @Gillian save for a couple of streetside trees, the homes have not really changed at all in 100+ years, even the utility pole is there ;) Aunt Nelle would easily recognize it. T A
  39. Indeed and it takes its toll on the dies. T A
  40. 230 N Randolph St, Indianapolis, IN 46201 Open that address in Google Maps, spin it around to view across the street and move down the street to the right two houses... T A
  41. I believe that’s called die flow. It’s what happens to an old die near the end of it’s useful striking life. They use 35 tons of pressure to mint a dime... T A
  42. Used to sew buttonholes. T A
  43. I don’t get childishly riled up about this stuff — not to worry, it’s more of a feeling of embarrassment really. You have a great day as well! T A
  44. And it’s not alabaster... Cast Plastic. T A
  45. You laugh, but the Westin St. Francis hotel on Union Square, San Francisco, has been washing and drying all of their coins since something like 1938... T A
  46. Cast (not carved) plastic (resin) not ivory. T A
  47. You’re welcome. T A
  48. It usually doesn’t work that way. The black color shows the zinc probably reacted with an acid. Dissolved, it leaves pockets under the copper plate, which is easily dented, pushing the mint mark into ...
  49. Well since there is a cross on the book, I would have a bit of doubt about it being Diogenes. Perhaps look to people like Saint Jerome... T A
  50. No worries. T A
  51. See more


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