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Showing 25 articles & interviews for "lisa hix"

Archive: Lisa Hix

Archive: Lisa Hix

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Harvey Pekar: The Splendor of Ordinary Life

Harvey Pekar: The Splendor of Ordinary Life

(Pekar portrait: The Pekar Project)  Read more »

Our Bodies, Our Stilettos

Our Bodies, Our Stilettos

A writer explains the reasons behind her love-hate relationship with high heels.  Read more »

Fightin’ Femmes: Unmasking Comic Book Superheroines

Fightin’ Femmes: Unmasking Comic Book Superheroines

Are female superheroes stronger than their male counterparts? According to Mike Madrid, author of “  Read more »

Time Machine Back to the Roaring Twenties

Time Machine Back to the Roaring Twenties

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The New Robot Is Your Old Teddy Bear

The New Robot Is Your Old Teddy Bear

(Bear image: Fujitsu, robot images: Metal House)  Read more »

High-End Jewels Reveal a Tale of Secret Love

High-End Jewels Reveal a Tale of Secret Love

The Duchess of Windsor's jewels will be on view at Sotheby's in New York from October 29 - November 2 and in London from November 26 until the auction date of November 30, 2010.  Read more »

Antique Lamp Rorschach Test

Antique Lamp Rorschach Test

something  Read more »

Anti-War Movement Before Hippies

Anti-War Movement Before Hippies

I didn’t raise my boy to be a soldier,  Read more »

Attack of the Vintage Toy Robots! Justin Pinchot on Japan’s Coolest Postwar Export

Attack of the Vintage Toy Robots! Justin Pinchot on Japan’s Coolest Postwar Export

Danger! Warning! Intruder Approaching! For recalling the fears and aspirations of the space-race 1950s, Japanese toy robots can't be beat. But how much do we really know about these tin creations, in hindsight one of Japan's greatest postwa…  Read more »

The Bromance, Found in Vintage Photography

The Bromance, Found in Vintage Photography

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Rhinestone Dynasty: Karl Eisenberg Talks About His Family's Costume Jewelry

Rhinestone Dynasty: Karl Eisenberg Talks About His Family

You know Eisenberg costume jewelry—just close your eyes, and picture a “vintage brooch." In the 1930s and '40s, Eisenberg established the iconic look of this classic piece: Large diamond-like Swarovski crystals set in regal, Baroque and Roc…  Read more »

Jack White foils eBay flippers, angers fans

Jack White foils eBay flippers, angers fans

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Vintage 1970s Lunch Boxes Revisited: When Pop Culture Ruled the Playground

Vintage 1970s Lunch Boxes Revisited: When Pop Culture Ruled the Playground

For kids in the '70s, the cartoon characters and pop stars on their metal lunch boxes were more important than the sliced apples and PB&Js inside. In fact, the coolness of your lunch box could determine your social status for the whole …  Read more »

Retrofuturism: The Year 2000 and Beyond!

Retrofuturism: The Year 2000 and Beyond!

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A Party for Edward Gorey and the Edwardians

A Party for Edward Gorey and the Edwardians

The next Edwardian Ball happens Saturday, March 5, at the Music Box in Los Angeles. See more photos on my  Read more »

The Mysterious Origins of Ouija Boards

The Mysterious Origins of Ouija Boards

(Images courtesy Lynda Abbott)  Read more »

Daniel H. Wilson on Robot Uprisings and Hollywood Sci-Fi Blockbusters

Daniel H. Wilson on Robot Uprisings and Hollywood Sci-Fi Blockbusters

When Steven Spielberg comes calling, you know you've done a robot rebellion right. That’s been the pre-publication experience of Daniel H. Wilson, a Ph.D. in robotics whose upcoming novel, "Robopocalypse," was recently snatched up by the di…  Read more »

Flip-Flops in the Office: Tragedy or Triumph?

Flip-Flops in the Office: Tragedy or Triumph?

President Obama caused a flap early this year when he became the first U.S. president ever photographed in flip-flops—he was on vacation in Hawaii. This threw fuel on the footwear flame war of the decade: When is it acceptable to wear flip-…  Read more »

$350 for a Stick of Gum? (It's 100 Years Old)

$350 for a Stick of Gum? (It

gum  Read more »

San Fran Fizzes Over 'Ghost' Coca-Cola Sign

San Fran Fizzes Over

Check out more images of Silhouette Girl and 1940s Coca-Cola logos on Burrito Justice. Let us know what you think about this controversy.  Read more »

Vintage Products That Might Kill You

Vintage Products That Might Kill You

Look for us on BuzzFeed now, if you do that sort of thing!  Read more »

Where Did All These Fembots Come From?

Where Did All These Fembots Come From?

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Gliding Back to the Smiley Days of Skating

Gliding Back to the Smiley Days of Skating

(Top image by Liz Hafalia/Chronicle 1986; bottom image by Vici MacDonald/Chronicle 1979)  Read more »

Could You Survive as a Victorian?

Could You Survive as a Victorian?

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