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Art Deco Zenith Chairside Radio

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (86 items)

    Here are some more items from my art deco collection. This is a very rare Zenith chairside radio (model 5S338) for the elegant gentleman, circa 1939. Typically, you can find the Zenith console radios from the same period, but rarely do you see these chairside radios. It's had 2 owners prior to my purchasing it. It's all original, and still works. The wood is a contrasting combination of birdseye maple, and what I think is birch or mahogany. The radio is designed with a shelf underneath for books, and nooks and crannies on the side for smoking paraphernalia--everything you need while lounging and listening to FDR give his fireside chats.

    Also adorning this radio and pictured with it are some of my other deco objects, including a green "Orbit" vase by Trenton Art Pottery, and a rare book on Chicago (1928) with an amazing deco cover by William P. Welsh on top of the radio. On the shelf below is a pair of Chase Ring bookends designed by industrial designer Walter Von Nessen, a Revere copper ashtray, and a Dura metal and bakelite coaster set.

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    1. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 14 years ago
      It might be mahogany, or oak. The curly maple upright is spectacular. I'd never seen a radio like that before, so I did a Google search. I saw a lot of chairsides, but none like that with the shelf below, or the great wood. I wonder if it was a custom job? Are there any dates on it?
    2. Chip Taylo, 14 years ago
      A beautiful example of Zenith chairside design. It has been refinished as I have one with its darker original finish I just picked up at an auction.

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