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1948 Marlin 336A & 336RC Lever-Action Rifles

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (843 items)

    1948 Marlin 336A & 336RC Lever-Action Rifles

    ***UPDATE: last picture added. You can see the collection grew in a short time. Except that winchester. 357 leaning on the door***

    Finally got all my rifles in the new safe. I had to move several other rifles to get these pictures. The picture of the safe shows Marlin waffle tops 1948-1952 & a 1953 336sc. If any one is counting, there's two 1948s and two 1951s pictured.

    These guns are old and have a few nicks and dings here and there. They were made to be carried through the woods and used for hunting. A lot of soldiers fresh from the war bought these rifles and were able to enjoy their freedom at last.

    This is a pair of Marlin 1948 Waffle Top 336 lever-actions rifles chambered in .30-30. The waffle top was produced by Marlin from 1948 to 1952. You can see the waffle type pattern on top of the receiver. In 1953 the waffle top was replaced with a smooth top receiver.

    The 1948-52 waffle tops also featured Ballard rifling. In 1953 the rifling was replaced with the microgroove rifling. Microgroove was cheaper and easier to manufacture. Microgroove barrels are rifled by forcing a carbide button through the bore, cutting or ironing out the grooves.

    The 336A features a 24" barrel and has a hooded front sight. The 336RC (regular carbine) has a 20" barrel. Marlin made a few variations such as the 336SC(sport carbine) which has a shorter magazine tube vs the RC that has a magazine tube that is the same length as the barrel. The difference can be seen in my safe pictures.

    Both rifles pictured are the first year of the 336 and have the early style butt pad. Also note the small white dot...that is referred to as the Marlin Bullseye. Many think this is a sling mount, it is NOT! Some expert say the Marlin bullseye helps a buyer recognize a Marlin while in the gun rack at the gun store.

    MARLIN 336
    The Model 336 is a direct replacement of the Marlin Model 1893 rifle which was manufactured from 1893 to 1936.

    In 1936, with only minor changes to the stock, forearm, and sights, the Model 1893 was redesignated the Model 1936 (soon renamed the Model 36).

    The marlin rifles featured a solid-top receiver made of forged steel and incorporated side ejection of fired cartridges.

    In 1948, the Model 36 was replaced by the Model 336,

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Nice bunch of rifles and good write up! Yeah, you have Marlinitis. There is a cure, however. For me it was Finnish Mosinitis. Then Garanditis to cure that. Then Yugo Mauseritis to cure that. Then.... I think Marlinitis cured my German Mauseritis, which cured my Swedish Mauseritis, which cured my Swiss SRitis, which cured my.... My list of maladies may not be in the correct sequence, but you get the idea! There is a cure!
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the comments. I do have a Marlin thing going on at the moment.

      I was trying to figure out why my 1950 looked taller in the picture. I remembered now, that it came with the original stock and it's wearing a Boyd's replacement stock.
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Thanks to everyone for looking and loving my old Marlins.
    4. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      Saw all the rifles and though the $hit has hit the fan ...feeeeeeeeew .. lol nice collection .. can I see you paper work please ( no ) wheres all the ammo.... ...sorry just couldn't help safe and don't forget the combo ..
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      I didn't tell you about the boat overturning ? LOL !
    6. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      BB2..this was before the boating accident...ha

      Theonlyone..see above..ha..all the ammo is in my safe, been collecting for 30+ years. Safe is EMP safe biometric/electric, but I know the combo too..
    7. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Safes can get expensive if several are needed, so turning a spare room into a strongroom with a steel reinforced door frame, steel door and security glass windows is a cheaper way to go. The door looks like a normal door except for the handle and lock. For some reason they were hard to find in the U.S. but very common in the U.K. Not sure if that is still true. Black rifles and pistols can still go in safes in the strong room for extra security and liability reasons, but that is probably overkill. Maybe not a good idea if you live in a newer house with drywall instead of lathe and plaster. Not sure how easy it would be to bypass the door, in that case. Not a fan of electric/digital locks.
    8. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      The place I bought my safe from sells vault rooms and doors and vault construction.

      I happen to have an 8 foot cement basement with a walkout, so I looked into it and it may be an option in the future. My safe has 60 minutes at 12oo degree fire protection.

      When you consider the dollar amount of 1 of my custom 1911s, the safe is a cheap investment. Or a safety deposit box rental for the rest of your life..pays for itself.

      I wasn't sure about electronic locks either, but after my other safe working flawlessly multiple times a day, I'm convinced. And this new safe has the latest technology available, including EMP safe.

      My new safe is a Liberty safe. If your not familiar with them, they build some of the best products made right here in the U.S.A. and they just don't say that...they show you by blowing up their safes, dropping them, dropping stuff on them, etc. NW Safe has some great examples in their showroom. They even have an example in their showroom of a safe that was in a large fire. You can see the contents nside were still fine.
    9. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      "after my other safe working flawlessly multiple times a day, .." meant to add... for over a decade of use daily.
    10. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Here's a few more..

      This is ridiculously excessive but fun..
    11. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      LOL glad you had the combo tattoo on you...smiling wow been collecting over 30 years..was trying to remember what I traded my 3o/30 for,.. it was that or my Remington 1100 for a Joe Bear Bear Archery Moment 340 FPS Compound Bow I was hot for that summer ... but like I said was a good rifle ....what boat ..?
    12. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the links! I bought my safes from the early through late 1980s, before Liberty existed. I vaguely remember when Liberty went into business and started showing up at gun shows. I am well insured so not worried about fire or theft, except for liability purposes. My current location makes burglary unlikely and I have been here over 20 years with no significant events in my neighborhood. I keep any firearms likely to be used in crimes in safes in my strongroom and the majority of my firearms are in there, too. It would take some serious effort to break into my house and then into my strongroom and into any of my safes and it would not go unnoticed by my neighbors. My umbrella policy should cover my liability exposure in the event of theft. I think I am making a reasonable effort to secure my firearms. I should ask my agent about that. All of my collections are just toys which I am going to eventually have to dispose of. None of it was an investment and any value it has to me is not monetary. I wouldn't be very upset if most of my collections just evaporated as it is all going to be a major pain to dispose of. I would not miss much of it or replace any of it if it did evaporate. I do feel a bit of an obligation to pass on some of the rare stuff from my collections, in general. I will probably only keep one or two of my safes when I do eventually move and sell the others or just leave them if I can't sell them easily. They are becoming vintage! I haven't thought that far ahead. I am definitely not hauling all of my stuff with me when I go.
    13. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Used to shoot bow when I was younger, gave that up long ago. My buddy was pretty good, shot on Hoyt-Easton team.

      That's the ol joke..I don't have any guns, lost them all in a boating accident...
    14. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Sorry for the long post. I didn't notice I was rambling until I posted it! Feel free to delete it as it wandered off topic...
    15. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      love the posts in the room,.... maybe we should change it to In Vintage Guns & Bows & Poles ....".I like that "....had a guy across from me who was a welder and loved guns ,,,he got his government permit for auto.s ...he went crazy with in a year he must of bought 30 if he bought one ...He would see me outside working on something and he would wave me over to show his new toys...great fella.. one day he was working in Boston it was a rehab of a bank to a high end restaurant... he had to weld some beams inplace ..saw the vault door laying on the floor in another room ..he ask the fell in charge what he would take for it ...the fell said 5 ooo cash ..dick said ok if you load it and the jam with it when I bring my trailer tomorrow next day he pull in the yard with it '''I said how the hell are you going to get it in the basement ..he laugh and said with your tools,.. me , him and a small crane....he said I put the ruler to it all ..all we have to do is cut part of the roof the wall on the side of the house and the floor ...the crane will lift it over the roof we cut out,.. drop it right threw the floor what a crazy sob ... when it was done it was something to see ...had to tell ya the story only happens once in my life time
      wow Hoyt-Easton team.. I only shot targets for two years ..then sold the bow and got my money back ..but I always have a bear bow kicking around to go out and stump shoot U Know Judo tips or tiger claws all that crap..for small game ...slip in slip out ... sorry to rattle on like a empty can in the wind later
    16. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Great story. I've known a few characters. Yeah, my downfall was a collector's license. Lie in bed eating bon bons and buying stuff online and it is delivered directly to your door.... Too easy, too addictive, too much fun. Surplus market has pretty much dried up, though, and secondary market is getting expensive. Younger collectors will not have the opportunities earlier collectors had. One of the best things left is CMP Garands, though there are also Marlins while they last! Never shot a bow. Is that a replacement stock on the 336 RA?
    17. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Great story..was your friend Charlton Heston? Ha ha ..he had the best bank vault door I've ever seen!
    18. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Flame thrower? What license is required for that?!
    19. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Huh, guess no license is needed!
    20. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Kwqd..not sure on the stock. I believe it's all original, but it is 73 years old.

      Marlin serial numbers were all their guns(336, 39 and the Model 90 O/U, etc) vs beginning & ending serial for each model. So it's hard to pinpoint exactly where it lies in manufacturing. But the 336A has a serial starting with E1...vs my 336RC that is E3... so I assume that both were early production rifles. The 336RC has a beautiful straight grained stock on it. This and the fact they have early butt pads on them.
    21. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      Wow I see why Charlton Heston wanted to be in charge of the NRA thats crazy... flame thrower hnmmmm I have to see what the law is to b y o...... you have any Winchesters ..?....smiling meet a guy a few years ago said he had 6 million is stock on Win ..and told me he give a finders fee if I come across some or one. a good old boy up the road had two ...he went and looked at them ..they wern't what the good old boy told me they were when the fella stop by my place and told me one barrel was cut 6 inches .. we both had a good chuckle ,, I'll see If I can find his card some time he's a hot $hit ,what I call the real deal .. how many rifles does the safe hold..? enjoy the day
    22. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      This particular safe is a 48 gun, but that is if you use both sides for rifles. And of course depends on the rifles, probably more like 30. I recently upgraded from some smaller safes. Now it's looking like I may need another one of these.

      Only Marlins for me. Ruger just bought the rights from Remington so hoping to buy as many as I can. Prices are already jumping up quickly. What was $4-500 rifles are now sometimes seen at $700 to $1K or more.
    23. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Heston was a five-term president of the National Rifle Association (NRA), from 1998 to 2003.

      Now the NRA is garbage..been going downhill for years, bowing to liberal BS laws. And now they are in bankruptcy.
    24. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Had recently heard about Ruger's purchase. I assumed it would be an improvement for the Marlin. So you are buying Remlins? I have not tracked prices for some time, really not been tracking guns, in general, for several years. I wonder what has happened to my 1894 .44 mag prices... They were spendy to begin with. One is a 1974 make and another a 1981. I think I only have two. NRA Life Member since the 1980s but stopped giving them my address years ago, long before where I live now. You could become a life member for $300 back then..
    25. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      As I told you in a previous post, ruger has done nothing except buy the patents, rights and machinery. I'm sure eventually they will do something, but it may be a ways out. Regardless Marlin was only Marlin once...
    26. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Some purists consider that Marlin started circling the toilet in 1983 when the cross bolt safety was added. I don't have any with the safety, so can't really form an opinion, but I think it somewhat ruined the lines of the rifle. Started thinking about my NRA life membership and remembered you could make monthly payments to pay for it. I think they were trying to plump up their membership. I got a big brass belt buckle that says "Life Member" on it. No idea where it is at but I am sure it is in a box somewhere. Found a few more Marlins.
    27. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Whaaaat..I thought you got a cool jacket with lifetime? I quit donating after they failed to defend our rights in Washington state. Left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Was very disappointed they sat by and did nothing.

      My last private ffl finally left the state because all the crappy, unnecessary rules. Luckily I have another guy now that's really good.
    28. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      No cool jacket that I remember. That was fortyish years ago. I saw the belt buckle a few years ago. It is not subtle. I lived in Seattle when I joined up. Started carrying concealed there in 1979 or 1980. My current state is much worse in every way than Washington state. I got my C&R so I didn't have deal with so much crap. Have dealt with a couple of decent ffls here when I had to. Found my 1894s and two 336s. Will lump them all into one post, if I post them.
    29. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      750 to 950 on the .44mag. A 1967 336 in .44 just sold for a bit over $3K!
    30. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thx! Yeah, the run of 336s in .44 was very brief. I was hoping that I had misremembered what model my .44s were! The 1894s were selling for about $500-$650 when I bought mine, I think.
    31. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      I've always followed the basic rules...I buy the best I can for the money I could afford. Never lost money on a firearm.

      Of course that rule doesn't apply to the Marlins. Bought what I could find, worry about upgrading years, variations later..
    32. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Thank you to all the people that loved my Marlins!
    33. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      I've only had 1 Marlin over the yrs., but considered the quality much higher than Winchester.
    34. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Pre-64 Winchesters are pretty nice. I had a mint 1948 Model 94. I've always regretted letting it go. Pre-64 Winchesters were once much more collected than Marlins were and are today. Probably still true? Don't know. I think the quality of Marlins and Winchesters was very comparable before the 1960s for Winchester and before the 1990s for Marlins. I very much prefer Marlins, personally, but there are die hard Winchester fans, too.
    35. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      yip like I said I liked my Marlin ...but if sonmeone gave me this ...I would smile all day .. snip.... The 1886 Winchester model rifle has become the most expensive single gun ever to be sold at an auction. At a price tag of $1.265 million, the Rock Island Auction Company in Illinois, the gun remains in prime condition even at 130 years old.Ma Oooooooooooo Baby lol
    36. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      Are you going to share what it is ?
    37. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      U talking to me BB..?
    38. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Ruger has posted this..

      "To be clear, our purchase of Marlin from Remington was not for an operational firearms manufacturing company, but rather for the assets associated with the Marlin brand. Specifically, the product designs, intellectual property, machinery and tooling required to make these great products.
      At this stage, because we do not yet have parts, equipment, or expertise, we are unable to service existing Marlin firearms or honor any warranty offered by the Remington Outdoor Company."

      They claim eventually they will be doing something. It may be a ways down the road as I stated earlier.
    39. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      One would think when you got the cream now,.. why buy the cow / headaches like service.... hey u might like this ...
    40. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Looks like you missed a paragraph! According to this link from the Ruger web site, Ruger intends to begin production of Marlin rifles in the latter half of 2021:

      Not so far down the road, after all! It will be interesting to get a look a Ruger produced Marlin later this year! I wonder what collectors will call these new Marlins? Ruglins?
    41. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      #1 Simo Häyhä used the Finnish M28/30, the next version of the Finnish Mosin after the M28, I posted recently. I will post an M28/30 next. Pretty sure I can find one of those in my pile pretty easily, though not sure what condition it will be in....
    42. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Good link, by the way, Theonlyone! I think there are some longer videos on some of these shooters... I know there is one for Simo Häyhä!
    43. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Here is one with 6.2 million views!

      There are a couple of really good movies and a good book about the Finnish Winter and Continuation Wars. I have the movies on DVD, but don't remember the names.... I can find them if there is interest. I have the book, somewhere, too...
    44. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Actually I only pasted part because the discussion I was following, was talking about legal issues. As well as responses from Ruger telling people they don't have their warranty guns and Remington still had them. And the fact they wouldn't be able to do anything.
    45. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      kwqd...Simo Häyhä was quite a master of his weapon ..I didn't realize he never use a scope...that says a lot for the man..and the fact he lived to be 92..what a legend for sure..nice posts in this page.. the info is great... later
    46. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Yeah, Theonlyone, he was an amazing sniper. Everything else on hold while I watch season 4 of Outlander on Netflix! I promise I will get caught up on CW and post a 28/30 as soon as I can blink again!
    47. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      kwqd lol I didn't know we had Yellowstone on c d 's here in the house ... frist time I saw it was a week ago on line and now I peek when. ever.. not upon on anyway enjoy ...

      dav2no1,.......... I have a couple old boys who stop in from time to time and both hump a trapper's 45 / 70's.. hunting season,... I don't know the age on them but they got some ...later
    48. BonaFide, 3 years ago
      nice collection I had one bought it in the 70's I forget what model but was a good bush rifle for those little mule deer's out west...'-))
    49. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Thanks for the comments. Hilarious video...
    50. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      ***UPDATE: last picture added. You can see the collection grew in a short time. Except that winchester. 357 leaning on the door***
    51. kwqd kwqd, 3 years ago
      Nice looking collection. I hear Marlins are getting pricey. I have stopped collecting firearms, though I did pick up a little Carcano carbine during the recent Italian import frenzy as I did not have one.
    52. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      **UPDATED** New picture added, they seem to be multiplying!

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