MsDowAntiques » collections



Lima, Ohio

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Marianne Dow: Antique collector & dealer, writer, blogger, speaker, bottle show promoter. Read my blog, 'Tique Talk @ -- also member (and website eMarianne Dow: Antique collector & dealer, writer, blogger, speaker, bottle show promoter. Read my blog, 'Tique Talk @ -- also member (and website editor) of the Findlay Antique Bottle Club (of Ohio) -- (Read more)


  1. A novelty mechanical pencil. Extra leads stored in the foot compartment; lead rod screwed into the metal doo-hickey; head protects lead; her ''hair'' clipped the pencil to your pocket.
  2. SOLVED on facebook by Gayathri Iyer: I've seen a lot of these growing up in India and my parents have similar cases for ornamental purposes--usually made out of brass or bronze. Just a box or "dabba" ...
  3. Original post says it is about 4''x6'' and 11'' tall, so I'm going with flatware caddy. Here's the same shape - knives on the one side, hanging forks and spoons on the other -- http://dyn-images2.hsni...
  4. Classic form called The 3 Graces - still made today. A pair of bases sold on ebay for $30 -
  5. Kudos to clementine4 for solving the mystery of who actually made this gorgeous brooch. Here's a link to an article about the Neiger Brothers jewelers --
  6. $725 worth of treasures there, according to Morphy Auction results from a 2005 sale ( Chipmunk Cast Iron Bottle Opener http://www.liveauctioneers....
  7. PS -- my faves are the duoble-figue KISSING COUPLES -- --Marianne Dow
  8. Some ANRI items were carved, some were made from composite-materials in molds so are not unique - info from --Marianne Dow
  9. Antique fire grenades that look more like fancy bottles are more rare, and extremely collectible. Most were made after 1870 and until about 1910. The Red Comet type were made later, and are actual...
  10. Also -- google images:
  11. Scimitars / swords are Masonic / Shriner symbols -- see ebay:
  12. Echoing the New-Not-Old sayers - tons on Google-Shopping - not valuable, so use it and enjoy.
  13. Incredibly fabulous - I am so jealous!
  14. There is one on eBay now, languishing with a BIN of $2500. I think the seller ...
  15. I agree with Roy and Dave - it looks like the sand molds that our Lima Locomotive Works used to make train parts.
  16. Hi Rex -- I'll try to pop in over here soon. Busy keeping all the plates spinning! --M.
  17. The same ebay seller has a 2nd identical Santa textile (his last of only 2 that were in a collection he bought) -- let's see what this one brings on ebay this time.
  18. OMG -- it sold for $875.00 !! Take care of your treasure!
  19. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. This seller only lists awesome stuff, and always starts the bidding at $9.00 -- just you wait! Merry Merry and Happy Happy to you, too, Savoy! And to all a...
  20. Check out this ebay listing for a Santa print like this -- this seller is very k...
  21. Your item is a fraternal pin/badge -- from the Daughters of Rebekah Info about this organization: The Daughters ...
  22. That is a fabulous handkerchief! And it looks like it is ins great condition. It's a small world -- the same Santa was just featured in an Antique Trader article about collecting Santa Claus dol...
  23. There's one that the ebay seller calls a trench art grinder -- but after reading Brenda's comment, I think it looks more Middle Eastern, especially when you look at google images for "middle eastern...
  24. Looks like some letters impressed around one tube -- can you make them out? First guess - but no confirmation yet -- maybe for a Hoosier/Sellers type cupboard?
  25. To Paul King: Condition is critical -- no hands is not good... better to have the hands, and the original box -- as-is yours is worth less than $20 -- watch ebay to see values. -- http://completed.s...
  26. Evelyn Curro books on Amazon -- Artist's bio -- http://articles.sfgate....
  27. Vases like yours are called "Bristol Glass" -- pretty -- watch ebay for values -- there are tons of them listed --
  28. Try the bakelite tests that your link suggests - I'll bet it comes up neg. for bakelite. I tried to find what the synthetic handles were really made of, but didn't find an answer. But you know what yo...
  29. This brings back such memories. I grew up in Los Angeles, and we had this same set, accumulated over many weeks of grocery shopping. I remember how the black material would get broken off in the garba...
  30. Just a reminder -- there's a big antique show this weekend - several bottle dealers set up there -
  31. Just a reminder -- there's a big antique show this weekend - several bottle dealers set up there -
  32. Yes, the show was great! We sold out of tables, and had dealers setting up outside -- and a steady crowd all throught the day -- see lots of pix and read about it on our website: http://finbotclub.blo...
  33. besides just 10k
  34. Could you edit your post, and put some sharp clear pix? Are there any words letters or symbols on the front? on the back? any maker's marks on the back?
  35. Link to similar sign that sold on ebay - but like I said, yours is nicer.
  36. Advertising sign / back bar / counter display / from American Breweries in Baltimore, Maryland. You don't say what it is made of -- and look to see if there is a mark on it that says who made it. M...
  37. John N. Ingham - 1983 - Business & Economics - 2026 pages Semon Bache became one of the country's leading manufacturers of quality mirrors and glass fabricators. --he came to the US in the 1840s, die...
  39. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo is an Australian television series for children created by John McCallum, produced from 1966–1968, telling the adventures of a young boy and his intelligent pet kangaroo
  40. Carolyn -- read the info I posted on the earlier Semon Bache mirror/table -- I doubt if you'll find much more info than that -- but maybe someone else will come along and enlighten us... http://www...
  41. Contact the artists --
  42. What a great collection. Thanks for sharing.
  43. I am sure the answer is here --
  44. You need to help us help you -- is this a print, or is it needlework? Tell us everything you can about the piece... a better photo would also help.
  45. Green is good! This would look great in a bathroom or guestroom. Now I'll be looking for one.
  46. Federal Glass is long closed -- Find matching items on, to see "high retail" value -- http://www.replacements.c...
  47. Bottle stopper -- made by ANRI -- the character is DAVID COPPERFIELD (from Charles Dickens famour novel) Identified and pictured here:
  48. These sets come up on ebay now and then -- I'd watch ebay for values - do an ebay search for "Vulcan coffee", then click the "save this search" link, and they will email you whenever there is a new i...
  49. Pretty, but not unique. Desirable, collectible, but mass produced, not one of a kind.
  50. google jefferson ez slide table, and you'll find lots of people have them, and want to know the value - cuz everyone wishes they were "something"... not that desirable, sorry. http://www.instappr...
  51. See more


Rare Flea Market finds! Darche Mfg. Alarm Clock Bank Pat. 1889 ~ 1908 My Collection of Vintage Jewelry Patriotic Post Cards Various Fenton Cactus pieces and others... Gladding McBean, Franciscan Art Ware Little red riding hood lunch box Collectors Weekly Commemorative Flasks - Early 1970s


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