Posted 6 years ago
(1204 items)
Everywhere I went today I found nice paperweights. I suspect a conspiracy. In front are three small paperweights, two splatter glass (1.5" wide x 1" high. $.50 each) and one millefiori style (1.75" wide and 1" high, $.50), all unsigned with flat ground bottoms. Probably won't be able to find out much about these three. I have seen the large brown glass paperweight with the Maltese Cross design (3" diameter x 3.25" high, $1.99) in a book or advertisement but don't recall where. I think it is Viking or Blenko. I am still researching that one and think I will be able to identify it. The final, controlled bubble paperweight (2.75" diameter x 3" high, $.50) is signed "Joe Rice". He is a third generation Indiana glass artist. This one is rather stunning and I may make a separate post for it. I am including a link to his website. Joe just announced that his family glass factory will be closing at the end of 2018.
Beautiful and colorful paperweights, very nice!
"Georgeous" & "Beautiful" have been used. I luv glass paperweights ever since I could afford to quit using a rock. I used to think everybody was conspiring against me. Later found out I was right ! LOL !!
Love the brown paperweight, it's my favorite. I've collected a few of my own and many displayed at work. I spoke to one of the artists on Facebook. and will post later.
Lucky you-I have a collection of paperweights. The cross is rather unusual and neat!
@nutsabotas6 - I like them all too, but the blue one took the most skill, by far. It has two rows of controlled bubbles and everything is perfectly placed.
@Newfld - Thanks Jenni. All five for under $5! I mentioned to a lady in line behind me when I bought the first one, that it is easy to accumulate a lot of stuff for very little money. It was a prediction, I guess.
@blunderbuss2 - Trust your instincts!
@raven3766 - It is kind of driving my crazy that I can't remember where I saw the brown one before! I also used to take my overflow to work, mostly pottery and paintings, but some glass and books, too. Now that I am retired, all of that stuff is still sitting in boxes in my home office as I have no where to put it. Sigh.
@Mrstyndall - Thanks! The brown one is pretty unusual. Can't believe I can't find another example...
Thanks for loving my paperweights!
PLETHORA, great word, love to see it used here. Are you highly educated? I know, myob. :-)
Same situation with lack of space, we have multiple bookshelves because we are both avid readers. What was left was getting some nice vintage or new wood shelves, with matching wood brackets or some nice hardware. A lot of 2nd hand stores sell shelves too I found out.
I've always been a big reader, too!
Nice! Glad you don't mind my comments....
Some big glass collector in US was telling us yesterday on Facebook, he is building a room and adding a shelf all the way along the walls at about 6 feet off the ground to display his glass, I suppose money is not a concern. Some collectors like the idea of wood, not as fragile as glass shelves.
@truthordare - I deleted my Facebook account a few years ago. They take too much of our data...
Thanks for loving my paperweights. Still can't find the make of the brown one. I know that I saw this one in print pretty recently!
Thanks Manikin!