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The most interesting aspect about collecting Victorian Art glass shakers and condiments is that you can collect just about all types of victorian art glass and displThe most interesting aspect about collecting Victorian Art glass shakers and condiments is that you can collect just about all types of victorian art glass and display it in a small area. These types of items include salt, pepper, sugar shakers as well as mustard jars, small cruets, and toothpick holders. If you are lucky enough you may run across a silverplate holder of the period that will hold the pieces! The holders can be very ornate and really enhance the shakers in which they hold. As I mentioned above, these items come in all types of art glass. This includes cased glass, decorated opalware as well as many other forms of enameled glass.Amberina, Burmese, Peachblow, Findlay Onyx, Opalescent, Chocolate glass and so many others. Every shaker and mustard had a top of some sort. These tops were made on many types of materials. Brass, nickel, pewter, and silver. The tops came plain, and embossed with designs and flowers. These specialty tops were reserved for certain shakers made by Mt Washington and Wavecrest to name a couple. Mt Washington made some shakers in the form of Tomatoes, Eggs, Chicken in eggs, and Figs. These shakers had specialty tops that were made just for the shaker they are on. They were part of the form of the object they represented. Shaker collecting is a very big collectible for many people. They can become very expensive for the more desirable forms of art glass. They are very difficult to come across in antique shops anymore. The major marketplace for these items like so many other antiques and collectibles is Ebay. It can get very competitive on there for better items. Like so many other collectibles, there is a club that unites so many collectors from around the country. There is also a club website that you can visit on the internet. If you are looking for a great collecting subject, look into the world of Victorian Art Glass shakers and condiment sets. (Read more)


  1. Ive collected carnival glass for close to 30 years on and off. I pick nice pieces up when I find them in my travels. I really don't do auctions and rarely ebay for carnival glass. Its more fun that wa...
  2. Thanks, its a very special piece in my opinion. The last one that sold with the 3 in 1 edge in that color went for 1050.00!
  3. Hey stranger, how is everything going?
  4. Happy New Year to you too!! Thanks
  5. Thanks everyone :) They are special and love to collect them.
  6. Great, thanks! Now, if I only had the rest of the lamp! Im sure the chimney is worth something though. Thanks for finding that, I really appreciate it!
  7. Yes they are, thanks!
  8. Will do, do you collect those kinds of things?
  9. No, sorry. I got this from a friend of mine who has since passed away. He was a major antiques collector and dealer. Its one of my favorite.
  10. Salt and Sugar Shakers from the Victorian Era can make quite an impressive display. You also don't really realize how many there are until you start collecting them! Thanks
  11. No problem, did not mean to come across abrupt. It is a great piece but don't know much about it. I hope to find out more. Thanks
  12. Its a lamp chimney, its open on the bottom
  13. Im sorry, I knew I forgot something, 1880s to 1890s
  14. Yes, they are special. Considerably harder to find than the others.
  15. Thanks! I will be posting some additional sugar shakers in a day or two.
  16. Thank you!
  17. Thanks!
  18. Thank you!
  19. Thanks so much for the info. I write quite a bit for AAG on shakers. I decided to do the article on Bohemian shakers specifically Harrach with the help of my friend Leah Goodwin in April 2014. I real...
  20. So I guess the final questions for me is, what would be the pattern name and the age?
  21. Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate it. I was lucky to be able to get it. Im a shaker collector like I previously mentioned and Im always looking for rare and unusual stuff in this category.
  22. I actually did an article on Bohemian art glass shakers for the WVMAG All About Glass magazine a year or so ago. I collect Victorian Art Glass shakers and condiment sets too. What I really like about...
  23. Also, I took the pics quickly with my phone so they do show the background a bit dark.
  24. Yes, its quite an unusual color combination. The background in the pic is just sheets of white paper. I find it best for photos of glass. The colors are a white and grayish blue spatter glass and the...
  25. Thanks so much, have you ever seen a sugar shaker?
  26. Wow, that is great! I see the basket in your posting and you are right! Thanks so much for the info, I really appreciate it!
  27. Thanks! It may need a tune up so to speak. We have a friend who is really into this kind of stuff and I need to speak with him. It is nice when you find these old pieces with the decorated horns though.
  28. Akro Agate was produced in Clarksburg WV and was a huge maker of children's sets in the 30s and 40s. They were produced in many patterns as well as many colors. Akro Agate also produced many specialty...
  29. Thank you! Do you have an interest in Akro Agate?
  30. Here is an interesting website that has posted smalls including shakers in which many are mine.
  31. Hi, Nobody knows for sure and who may have made some of them. We know Imperial made some, typically Octagon in a documented old marigold and amethyst. Its really an unknown category of carnival but w...
  32. Thanks!
  33. Yes, I did see those, thanks!
  34. Thanks Alfredo, what you are saying validates my decision was a good one to bid. Have you seen any other shakers before? Scott
  35. Wow, thanks everyone!! Im glad to get them, I have a lot of shakers but never ran across these before!
  36. Why, thank you :)
  37. Great stuff!!! Love it, my kind of stuff!
  38. Yes, its amazing the skill they had all those years ago.
  39. Thanks so much Amy, you too!
  40. Got it, thanks!
  41. One other comment, it amazes me to see that happen when other things like the fighting and rude attacks go unchecked
  42. WOW, amazing Is it somewhere where I can see it?
  43. What happened to your post on the mustard jar?
  44. Thanks Leah, its a good one!
  45. Thanks so much! With all the shakers I have this is the first in this pattern. They are very rare in salt shakers too!
  46. If you look somewhere in my posts I showed an Ice Green Grape and Cable bowl Ice Green G&C is pretty popular right now
  47. Sure! Bring it on!
  48. Pastel pieces in carnival glass are highly desirable
  49. You should join! Its fun usually an auction, seminars, buying, and some of us always go to the old factory site. There are fragments all over the site and you can usually find some marbles too!
  50. That is white carnival glass. Carnival glass was made in pastel colors too, white, Ice blue, and ice green. That is the only pastel old carnival glass shakers Ive ever seen!
  51. See more


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