claudia1971 » collections



Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Vienna

I am Austrian living South America. Loooove going to fleamarkets all over the world and I always find something nice. maybe the things are not worth $$$ a lot, but I am Austrian living South America. Loooove going to fleamarkets all over the world and I always find something nice. maybe the things are not worth $$$ a lot, but I think every piece has its own story which makes it so special!! (Read more)


  1. Thanks :-)
  2. Paris, can you tell me which was the keyword you put for the search at the MAK? the link doesn't open the pics you are referring to
  3. OK, I have seen it!! But it doesn't have the Hoffmann mark :-(
  4. I see the foto of the 2 glasses with the WW mark, are you refering to these ones, Paris1925?
  5. Paris, can you copy the picture? when I open the link I don't see the one you mentioned
  6. Paris1925, I bought it at an auction abroad - it is in Vienna that the people who looked it up in the archieves didn't find a similiar marking of Hoffmann.... Moser Karlsbad confirmed that the pokal i...
  7. Asia, I asked at different places - the dorotheum, Kinsky, Christies and varous other places....
  8. Hi Vintagfran! Yes, they look similar!! At the beginning I also thought my one could be in the style of Hagenauer, but as it is not signed nobody paid attention. In Vienna I showed it to some WW expe...
  9. I am still investigating which company made this perfume bottle. Anyone know "DeVilbiss"? on my search I found some similar pieces on ebay:
  10. Thanks Lee!!! for me it is Kralik also, and thanks to the 2nd website you named I am pretty sure that the old lady is right about Pallme König also!
  11. Thank you all for your help!! So I see Kralik is the one?
  12. This is really beautifl! elegant! congrats!!
  13. The old lady who owned it and gave it to a friend told us.
  14. anyone knows who designed for Palme König? Thank you Moonstonelover and czechman!!
  15. Just found out it is Palme König!
  16. and also check out this website, moonstonelover incase you haven't seen this one yet I think it might be also of interest for you:
  17. Here a picture of the same one like yours:
  18. you can send the foto directly to MOSER and they will tell you if it was made by them. They look it up in their archive and are very helpful
  19. Thank you Pickrnows! I would love to know who made it....I think it is very similar to Lorenzl. someone copied him...
  20. Hi Perfumer! I can't really tell if it is cased glass. It is a heavy bottle, inside plastic. No, no hallmarks :-( The person who bought it at an auction said it came with this stopper.
  21. hahaa BB2, shame she didn't come with passport :-) OMG I am not looking for a name for her :-) only need help and opinion about the mystery and past of this lady :-)
  22. thank you bratjdd and thank you moonstonelover! Yes, agate is very possibe as Uruguay has a big market for these stones!!
  23. The guys from Goebel sent me the page of the modelbook where this figure is shown! I think it is from around 1923 and came with the "Kabaret"line.
  24. sorry, 526
  25. Thank you all for your help! beside the hallmark of Wilhelmsfeld it also says F.F short for "Frauen Figur" in german (female figure), and 3 numbers: 525!
  26. Thank you vetraio50 :-) I know there exists a Goebel Collectors club but I can't find the website. Also Wilhelmsfeld produced the famous Hummel figures...very very interesting!!! If you know some more...
  27. this brooch is wonderful, so many nice details!
  28. beautiful!!!!!!!
  29. I think they are perfect!
  30. Thanks Brat!!
  31. amazing!!!
  32. @Sean, thats exactly what I am thinking also! BUT as in Vienna they don't find pictures of this one in the archives they doubt that it is Hoffmann and WW. Moser Karlsbad didn't tell me anything about ...
  33. @Sean I looked up similar pics in some of the pages - most of them are not marked, which leads me again to the question why the Hoffmann and WW mark on my one looks so different. Ludwig Moser Karlsbad...
  34. Now I was told it is a LOOS lamp...
  35. OK. I do use glasses for reading but is my sight that bad that I am only imagining similarity between my lamp and this one in the link:
  36. Thank you!!!
  37. and may I ask where you have seen them Sean? any fotos? would be a great help because i contacted different places in Vienna and they tell me they don't know this kind of signature (and they should kn...
  38. thank you Sean! But which info exactly do you mean?
  39. Thank you Scott!
  40. anyone who knows about an online archive for signatures?
  42. Hi Bernie, I just found some information on an website written in German. looks like it is Rohac. he used the "RR" when he opened up his own business. on th...
  43. WOW, its beautiful, congrats!!!!!
  44. I personally don't think it is a fake. Moser Karlsbad confirmed me that the vase is from 1920 made by them. I think maybe this was a special edition and those days the possibilities to keep fotos or...
  45. Wow Phil, thanks, i have just seen it and they look very alike!! the weird thing for me is the round base which is not made of metal. looks like some kind of gum/rubber. unfortunatly it has no stamp n...
  46. I don't think it is pot metal as it is heavy for its size. could be silver-plated but I don't know the base
  47. I went to different antigque stores in Vienna where they are specialised in WW etc - they all tell me the style could be him, but not the material
  48. Thank you Phil, I never thought of India!!! OK, now I have some new reference where to search, thanks!!
  49. Thank you Freiheit!!
  50. See more


Frosted Tom Collins Girlie Pinup Glasses. Red Lipstick art vase unknown? grinders? WE Elite I with Round Buttons (2930A) Schlitz collectible wall plate. L. E. Smith? Depression glass punch bowl with ladle Modern Towle Letter Opener and Scissor Set Josef  Oiginal girl playing piano wind up music player Vintage Table Mirror Art Nouveau Brass/Bronze Medallion 'Miners Panning Gold' Deco Chrome Pen Holder Jug, Stölzle Oberglas (Austria, ca. 1960)


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