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Brass/Bronze Globe Floor lamp with Cast Zodiac Calendar Base.

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Maltamary's loves11 of 372Brass and copper Purse. Help?!?Telescopic Bronze Globe Floor Lamp
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (6 items)

    This lamp stands about 46" tall and 58" tall when fully extended. Both the base and the globe measure about a foot across. The post and lamp shade are made of brass while the base is made of (I think) cast bronze. The base depicts the zodiac calendar and also includes the profiles of a male and female. It is also decorated with floral filigree and cherubs. The neck has two cast dragon or serpentine heads intertwined. The top has some sort of green paint or enamel to show the continents. I have searched all over it for a makers mark but haven't found anything. Literally not one single stamp or mark. I also googled so many combinations of keywords looking for anything similar with no success. Please help me identify it or even give me a direction to look in. Thanks for your help!

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    1. Hunter Hunter, 9 years ago
      could've been custom made for a fraternal group or club. something about it reminds me of the old men's clubs...
    2. Bluereded Bluereded, 9 years ago
      Interesting. Is there anywhere particular you would suggest I look for a makers mark?
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      That's one of the strangest floor lamps I've ever seen. The light bulb fitting can sometimes give you a ball park date as to the age of the lamp.'Where did it come from?
    4. Bluereded Bluereded, 9 years ago
      I bought it from a salvage yard in Kalamzoo MI. It had an old style Hubbell bulb socket. So I'm guessing it's around the turn of the century. I haven't been able to find any other lamps that come close to resembling it.
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      On old globes there would be maker information on the Earth's surface .... in a cartouche somewhere in an ocean.

      Its fabulous !!!
    6. Hunter Hunter, 9 years ago
      yeah, vetraio makes a good point about looking for copyright info in the text on the globe. The shape / design suggests an institutional purpose to me (whether a library or a private club or an office). such an oddity!
    7. Bluereded Bluereded, 9 years ago
      I just spent the last 5 min searching all over the globe but can't find anything. Our! If only it could talk! Thank you all so much for the info. You've been beyond helpful.
    8. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      This lamp is a combination of celestial, astrological and mythological symbols. For some odd reason, I wonder if it came out of a gypsy fortune teller's place.... LOL boy, is that ever a reach!
    9. Bluereded Bluereded, 9 years ago
      Hah! We can dream! Either way, wherever they came from - I'm sure it was just as beautiful as the lamp if not more.
    10. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      I might try sending pictures to old map dealers or old book dealers - those people would be the ones I would try to sell to, or may know more about these globes, as a lot of dealers have such things as lighted globes in their shop windows.
    11. americanstationer americanstationer, 9 years ago
      This has the look of something that might have come from an old Oddfellows Lodge. This is a beautiful lamp!
    12. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 9 years ago
      this is a really cool lamp!
    13. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 9 years ago
      This is the coolest lamp I have seen!!!
    14. pollyperkins pollyperkins, 9 years ago
      Wow! that is some lamp, truly unique I would keep it if it was mine, well done for discovering it!
    15. PaulFromHouston, 8 years ago
      I have this same lamp, purchased in Los Angeles about 40 years ago.

      The seller (Greg's Antique Lighting) couldn't identify it at the time, either.
    16. Bluereded Bluereded, 8 years ago
      PaulFromHouston, I would love to chat more about it. Email me at thanks
    17. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      I think I know the company that may have made this but its off the top of my mind right now. They made a lot of lamps in the earlier years of the 20th century and all details were stunning.
    18. Bluereded Bluereded, 7 years ago
      Please, as soon as you remember, let me know! I'm dying to know!
    19. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Could not find what I was looking for, I think I must have deleted it at some time.
    20. Ramrod1970, 7 years ago
      Hi I have exactly the same lamp bought in Bath UK. Have you found out anything else? Regards Scott
    21. Bluereded Bluereded, 6 years ago
      Ramrod1970 I still have found NO answers. Its killing me. Where did you happen to buy it? Did it have the original bulb socket in it? The cord on yours looks newer.

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