AnneLanders » collections




A experienced pottery, porcelain and glass collector whose main interests are porcelain, stoneware and glass...currently in love with Tango glass....and have a colleA experienced pottery, porcelain and glass collector whose main interests are porcelain, stoneware and glass...currently in love with Tango glass....and have a collection of Royal Doulton Slater patent vases post 1886-1911 (Read more)


  1. what a beauty to bring out all the cobwebs from "the gang"
  2. these are great, always wanted one when I was younger. Had no idea they had a horse....I also thought the one I saw was red, would that be correct, that they came in different colours?
  3. hi antiquerose, sorry, havent been on for ages. Just got your message, happy new year to you :)
  4. thanks Antiquerose and same to you!!
  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Antique Rose ;) from Anne Landers
  6. Thank you Alan. I wish the same to you and your family and all my friends and watchers on CW. Anne xxz
  7. So is that grey smoky colour the grime? Nice find
  8. Stunning Rose Bowl. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I don't come on here much. Shame as it used to be to go to place for referencing . Now it just seems to be the sound board for some others....
  9. thanks Kevin for liking all my items on my CW page....
  10. thank you bijou
  11. why do you call it costume jewellery when t is made of fine crystal glass. Does this not count in your United States of America? Beautiful item, I have a few...
  12. sorry for my typos, my t's and r's sticky label has worn off my laptop plus am typing in the dark...shame we cannot edit to tidy...
  13. do you notice why yhis id different to most Spatter? It's been blown in clear this true Spatter....did the broom sweep get down on the floor of the workshop and pick ut those blues and bro...
  14. how cute
  15. Thanks Lizzy, she sure is. It wasn't until I and another few collectors did some digging did I realise how rare she was too. Highly collectible and rare.
  16. they are divine btw
  17. have we got any research on these? ie maker, artist, year etc?
  18. you need to resize or crop your photos, they arent meant to be side ways.
  19. When buying this type of silver you need to be careful. It can look like solid with all the silver shine in the world but it's not. It also has the bells and trumpet ends that move. Look for good move...
  20. This is beautiful. The colours and design typical of the 1950/60s. Have I missed any age or description of the materials used and design details. I'm trying to read on my iPhone late at night :) L...
  21. I'll have a good look tomorrow Ivonne as it's the middle of the night. I understand why you say WMF but I don't know if they could have done the glass in as much detail. Let's see if any of the Kr...
  22. hehe trying to line them up
  23. Efesgirl, You have to realise that seeing the comments on face value, they looked so. I was merely standing up for someone who seemed to need a leg up....that's all.... Stacey if I can ever offer ass...
  24. dont be so rough on her, some ppl are natural investigators. For some, making a call on a material or a maker is frightenning. We all had to get a start some how. A lot of ppl don't have money either ...
  25. I'm very glad you are happy. I am too. When my friend lost my brooch, it's wasn't the material loss that got up my nose as much but the way she dismissed the replacement or even an offer of one. It s...
  26. talk about sexist, which my family never were, mum did Law in the late 30's. Anyhow, my brother had a very similar microscope and matching chemistry set :) Fantasic. brings back so many memories :)...
  27. I just adore this ring :) and the designer
  28. true kivatinitz a little bit from here, there and everywhere.... gosh its raining cats and dogs tonight....
  29. you might want to list these seperately, otherwise collectors miss out on your othr items if the glance at just your main photo. I used to post like this too, mainly because I'm lazy!!! Lovely ite...
  30. its divine!
  31. Gillian you havent invaded my post at all. I think it's wonderful you've supplied me with a link to buy the brooch to replace mine...This brooch certainly looks similar and I will wear it with pride.....
  32. every now and again I bump this up. A friend borrowed my star brooch on the left and lost it. First, does anyone know the pattern/maker. And does anyone know where I can replace it???
  33. ok 1) Yes had chemo that day so was all over the shoy 2) Yes I'm in Melbourne Australia 3) I read your post and now get it I had wanted to see if you knew of anyone who had one in good condition. T...
  34. oh wait up, was that the pink vase? Was that you? I thought I had replied as I usually do.I thought you were just some friendly ebay person I had dealt with in the past who knew I liked Tango... Than...
  35. no PHIL, I didnt. thank you for thinking of me I have some great friends hat I've met here. Alfredo just did something lovely for me..I am very lucky to have known you all.......
  36. the knobs on these bowl lids tarely are executed well. Kind of like an after thought I feel. Mine are exactly the same. Beautiful piece though. I'm green with envy!!
  37. oh and for me Peggy it screams Italian...
  38. love books that mean somehing to me and classics. Love biographies. Looks fabulous and even better on the your photos too, covers everything I wanted to see...lovely
  39. Ah Valentino, you show your age...and I'll have to query you on this...surely the last era was the 1980's, Boy George, Adam Ant, David Bowie, Mick Jagger. They were all "doing it", wearing brooches, m...
  40. its just a shame because it is such a stunner but at least you've given me the chance with the name, thank you so much for that... Did you have any ideas on the blue one?? On another note, I got...
  41. Thanks Kyra's too.... :)
  42. Yay, you found it for you know the style name? Thanks heaps nuts, how wonderful of you. I have so many items which are made with Czech glass but I have no idea who the great makers are.its go...
  43. Beautiful. You might find an artist somewhere who is able to repair it ?. Anne xxx.
  44. Stunning item and colour, you must be pleased.
  45. Thank you. You know me too well. My research took me to Adelaide where the great migration of German families did most of the importing of not just their own collections but subsequent importation of...
  46. What is this pls? You photos don't show the item :(
  47. I know. What have I done ???! Lol
  48. Can you email me my name @ pls ... Thanks. Will pick it up tomorrow as falling asleep. You've got some awesome stuff
  49. Yes why not go for the Heinz 57 pieces of Kralik. What a refreshing post :)
  50. Need one of the big Kralik hitters to pop in .... Stunning
  51. See more


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