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    Posted 10 years ago

    (1 item)

    Ok folks... This is the end of the line for Dr Fluffy. It's been fun. I wish you all the best of luck in your search...


    1. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Thanks Val...
    2. pops52 pops52, 10 years ago
      Goodbye dear Nadia, I can't believe you are leaving too. Take care and give DrFluffy an extra treat from us.
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      What in the world??? You aren't leaving, Nadia? :(
    4. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Thanks Pops and katherine... It was a difficult decision, but one that is right for me. I will miss my friends.
    5. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      What is going on here?! No, I wish this wasn't happening! Why? DrFluffy I will miss you!
    6. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Why miss your friends, why not stay? Oh this is really too bad, the site won't be the same without you. :(
    7. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      With all the latest happenings, I don't feel at ease. I am probably paranoid, but the latest crazy posts was a huge wake up call...
    8. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Nadia , darling youll be missed!!!
    9. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Phil and Sean, thank you for your comments.
    10. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      So sorry you are leaving you have been a great asset it is sad that the site doesnt require closer control of the rude people and those with a hidden agenda to harass . you will be missed :--(
    11. SEAN68 SEAN68, 10 years ago
      Your welcome darling :)
    12. inky inky, 10 years ago
      DrFluffy..this makes sad to read this...please! re-think..there are are more goodies than baddies!...and!! you have huge following who will miss your lovely postings, comments with encouragement to those with less knowledge than yourself, we need people like yourself here ...please don't let the ones with small minds win...:-/..I do understand's not nice to see!...Penny...:-)
    13. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      I'm sad to hear this DrFluffy, I didn't see those nasty postings people are talking about and I'm glad I didn't. Why does people like that bother to be here on CW? They should crawl back under the stone they came from. I don't want nice guys like you to leave. I don't want the bad guys to win. You love collecting and sharing and we, your fellow collectors, love to read your posts, why should the bad guys limit you? It's not right.

      I will miss your posts and knowlege! Take care.
    14. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      No, say it isn't so!
      You helped to brighten my days, we will miss you greatly!
      Be well my friend!
    15. Alan2310 Alan2310, 10 years ago
      Well, to bad, that another member leave CW, start few month ago with Julie, yesterday Kevin and now you.
      I don't know you as much has the others, but will miss you as well...:(, for your kind comments and knowledge.
      I wish......... you will reconsider to stay :D, but in case you did't, i wish you good luck.
      Truly Regards
    16. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      I think it is just one person, possibly 2, doing this. I wish you would stay.
    17. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      I think I know who it was he left because someone "wronged" him here a few months ago...

      Sorry to see you leave, but I completely understand.

      Take care,

      T A
    18. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      A research expert by any chance?
    19. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 10 years ago
      I was thinking a Weird Person...

      T A
    20. vetraio50 vetraio50, 10 years ago
      Thanks for your posts NADIA.
      Wish you and yours well !!!!

      Hope to see you back soon.
    21. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Nadia! Can't love your post either... We all will miss you here if you leave :-(
      Please, don't delete your posts, all informations and research would be gone too.
      So sad...
    22. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago

      Nadia -- Please stay!!! Yes I saw those bad post that night. I never got a wink of sleep. But we should now bring all this to CW attention and demand a higher security of everything. yes, I was very offended by those bad pic/post that nigh...but stayed up for 7 hours. We (you) us -- should make this a more respectable site after that happened.

      Stay, stay, stay with us -- I can part losing Dr Fluffy # 1 , and the real Dr breaks my heart!! Please, I beg of brought me back with your words...................Please stay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    23. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Not you to DrFluffy :(.....This is really upsetting seeing all my good friends so distressed and leaving. I don't understand this at all. What is going on here ?? Some trolls with rude comments or what. I can't believe the moderators aren't keeping an eye on such things. I'm with Phil. This is also how I keep track of my collection and research as well. All this valuable information gone forever. Don't let these people get to you. You have far more friends then enemies here ! -Mike-
    24. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      I can't understand why delete all posts if leaving...
      So much searchs and solves gone with this!

      Do you remember Idcloisonne's comments and identifications gone with her?
      Kerry's leaving, it's the same...

      Please, ALL OF THOSE WHO WANT TO LEAVE, untick receive Emails on your posts but don't delete all your activity, so educational and USEFUL to others.

      Sorry for my upset, this is epidermical reaction :-)
    25. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      That thought went through my head when I left for a few days. I was going to remove all my post too. I was having a PMS reaction.....LOL. Thank God - I decided to take a LONG deep breath. I though even if I left for good....I would leave my post there/here (like it was my child). There was so much put in by me, by members with their loves, posts, comments, ID's. I thought it would be such a shame to lose that.

      Its been my baby/child ( all my posts ) and they say it takes the whole villiage (which means all of CW) to raise that child.....LOL...If you get what I mean.

      I was going to keep mine a tribute to all the hard work done

    26. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 10 years ago
      Yikes, DrFluffy….such sad news to hear of your leaving! You will be missed, and maybe in the future, you may reconsider…..take care, and keep in touch…..Ted
    27. racer4four racer4four, 10 years ago
      I cannot speak DrFluffy. :(
    28. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      @Dr. Fluffy ( hope this will change your Mind )

      ~ ~ just for you ( and your side-kick ) the other Dr. Fluffy
    29. smiata smiata, 10 years ago
      Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful, unique, interesting collections. You will be missed! Not all of us are uncouth. So sorry this happened to you.
    30. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Thank you all for the lovely comments. This makes me so sad. I have been lucky enough to not be target of any rude or unkind comments. I have however witnessed it toward other friends. The crazy things that happened a few nights ago, made me realize that this is not a cozy small group of friends, but a wide open forum for all sorts of people to look into our lives, collections and background... Where we live, what we like, what we buy, our birthday, where we are from, family members... I started CW very guarded but over time, and in the span of 2 years, I became comfortable dishing out a lot of personal information. Kyra, this is why I wanted to wipe my history clean. I am sorry this is very upsetting to me too, all the lovely comments, but again, I felt it necessary to do so.
      Starting my morning with a cup of coffee and CW and chatting with my friends has become a wonderful routine that will be difficult to break... So, I may just stop by from time to time and say hello...
      I wish you all the very best,
    31. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 10 years ago
      I understand but it is also a good thing that it's an open forum, just incase someone with knowledge see a piece or a mark we hope to identify. But there should be quick reactions from CW when they're alerted about aggressive/bad behaviour. It is so evident here in your post that most of us stick together and don't do things like that. You meet strange people everywhere: in traffick, on the streets at work... I just can't stand a world where the rest of us must hide in our houses. Reconcider, please, maybe you can stay and find a level of openness that you feel comfortable with? I don't mean to pressure you just don't like the evolving situation. I'm on your side. Take care.
    32. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      I cant belive, this is so much last time to me.
      Agree with the previous comments, what is happening?!!
      Im feeling so sad, Im lossing my friends, people that share with me more than a vintage piece, behind every ítem a story to tell and many feelings shared.
      In Cw as in others sites our hearts open because we are human.
      As to others members dear Nadia, I cant tell you goodbye.
    33. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      DrFluffy, if personnal infos is your reason, you should consider leaving FB too...
      This is the place where most personnal infos can be found, and spread all over the world. Most dangerous place in my humble opinion...
    34. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 10 years ago
      Hi kyra, yes this is so true, totally agree.
    35. officialfuel officialfuel, 10 years ago
      DrFluffy, thank you very much for stopping by my side and always looking at my things and showing some love. Whatever you do in the future good luck to you and your family, may God bless you!

    36. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Nadia, I hope I am not speaking out of turn here, being a new person on this site, but with respect: you are an important part of a community here, friends and collectors, all of you sharing your passions and interests, as well as the events in your lives, your histories. I'm sorry if someone is trying to ruin that for you, as they did for Julie, and others. I can understand your concerns. I too was bullied and stalked some years ago on a forum, and it was not pleasant. The unfortunate part of Internet communities is that we can't completely protect ourselves except by withdrawing from the thing we love to do, the place we love to visit, the people we enjoy interacting with, daily. Of course if we do that, then the bullies and trolls win their pathetic little victory. They control what we do, if we let them. And then you suffer, and that's what they want. I respectfully suggest that you listen to your friends here. Let them mean more to you, let them support you, and all of you support each other, and move on, get on with what you do here. Antiquerose has come to that conclusion, I hope you will too.

      I think, CW, that you have to have more moderators on board, as well. Whoever it is attacking appears to know when the site is not being monitored. As a large and respectable Internet site, you need to do something to protect your reputation and your member community. You don't want to lose people like Julie and Nadia. If people don't feel comfortable here, then all you have worked to build will be for nothing. Think about it.
    37. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      Oh my! Reading this is a sad way to start the day. I will miss you.
      I do understand what you are saying about being an open forum but that is what makes it work ... and fail at times.
      CW has always deleted any comments that I have reported that I thought were out of line. I missed the nasty posts the last few days but have been sent emails of what at least one was. That nasty guy has packed his bags and left.

      I hope we see you back soon as a "new member"

      Thank you for all the kind words you have left here.
    38. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Is there no end to this?
    39. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 10 years ago
      I really wish I knew what was causing all this,I haven't been around a lot lately.Doc,we will miss you,and please don't be a stranger!KM
    40. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      Thank you all again for the lovely comments... My decision to leave CW is personal and not targeted to bash anyone or CW... Enjoy this site for what it is. I may check in with you all from time to time.
    41. walksoftly walksoftly, 10 years ago
      I contacted Hunter at CW re the inappropriate posts on Monday morning.
      They occurred at 1:00 AM Pacific time & even though some of us flagged them as inappropriate, CW did not know about them until business hours in California.
      They have blocked that person from posting under that user name & are looking at other ways of making the site more secure.
      They would like to set up a monitoring system that would allow certain members
      from from different parts of the world to be able to contact them outside of normal business hours. Having people from the western Pacific & Europe would help keep a 24 hour watch on the site. If you live in one of these regions & would be willing to help contact Hunter at
      In the meantime please report all inappropriate activity, we all have to take part in keeping this site a safe community for all.

    42. CollectorsWeeklyStaff CollectorsWeeklyStaff, 10 years ago
      Hi all,

      We don't usually post from this account, but I realize the S&T community is a bit shaken up after the trolling that happened early Monday morning. To echo David's comment, we have a very small staff (3 people) all on the Pacific Coast in the US - meaning there are times that we are not monitoring activity as strictly as others. We do have various alert systems, and very much rely on your community policing to report inappropriate behavior, but sometimes these systems fail.

      We are working to increase the level of security on CW in various ways, but you should all know that as an open forum, sometimes trolls will sneak in. The best way to handle those folks is to not engage with them, to report them to our staff using the link to the left of each post, and don't ever post your personal information publicly. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at
    43. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      See -- Post # 40 -- once again Directed at me....that I am the bully. You have to bring it up again. I am *trying* to move on here after your words/actions to me, but there you go. I joined here 12 months ago under my username, and before you. Whatever........

      Whatever Anik -- Leave me alone. You always try to pretend your Miss Sweet and innocent. I posted comments here in this Post for Dr. Fluffy. See MY posts numbers at:

      ~ post # 24
      ~ post # 27
      ~ post # 30

      In those posts -- I spoke of the issues of the Porn pics issues posted here that night and all what happened there, missing Dr. Fluffy, a Sad Kitty Youtube Vid and to say how Sad I was to hear Dr. Fluffy leaving. I did NOT even use the word *bully* here at all or point to you in any of the post here by me. All I said was when I was going to leave but decided to stay......

      Then at Post # 40 of yours - there we go again. Directing things at ME, telling others they should NOT have supported me. Your telling them how/who they should support and using Dr. Fluffy Goodbye post for your own gain/bashing at me ( AGAIN ).

      That to me -- Well -- Sounds Bully-ish? Doesn't it?? I never said a thing about you here at this post. I was ALL for Dr. Fluffy, but you pointed me out again. You just showed why people want to leave here....

      That is WHY people want to leave........You posted a perfect example. Targeting another in this post and telling people not to support me. Perfect Example!!!!

    44. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      @ Collectors Weekly -- Thanks for your post. I had contacted you about Monday night issue too, and had advised you how shaken up some people were of those Porn/Bondage/Disgraceful pics that were posted by some unknow TROLL. I myself never got to bed (as you would have read in my email) about that night. I was trying to help - along with the others. I am glad you got my email -- and came on board to address that was what I only addressed to you WAS the issue on Monday.

      Glad to hear from you about that issue -- what a night it was !!!
    45. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Thank you for the loves and support:) you will be missed.
    46. CollectorsWeeklyStaff CollectorsWeeklyStaff, 10 years ago
      Hi all,
      We have also received a few reports from individuals that they have been contacted off of CW by abusive members. If you have posted your email in a public place, we cannot control members of the public from contacting you. However, if it seems that they have hacked into your accounts somehow, please send us a full explanation to Thanks for helping us keep S&T such an engaging and supportive place!
    47. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Staff, if you want to see the mail I got, email me, I will cut paste & send it to you.
    48. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 10 years ago
      DrFluffy, Very saddened and hurt by what has gone on here. I was really enjoying knowing you all and now it is destroyed by a few. I will miss you.
    49. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      When the smoke clears, get back in the group!
    50. pw-collector pw-collector, 10 years ago
      I agree with BB2, hope to see you back again soon.
    51. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Oh DrFluffy NO:( I missed the post you're referring to but have seen some, what can only be called, rude, comments on others just the other day & know others who've been effected. It's not right. I hope it will be sorted and you'll be back. You've always been so polite, supportive and helpful, I can't believe it.
    52. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      You all are making me cry!!
    53. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Well, cry, get it out of your system and then, - - - poste something!
    54. Manikin Manikin, 10 years ago
      bb2 get right to the point lol. Seems unanimous that we all would like you to stay on :-) I think CW has things planned to avoid any more troll posts they are working hard it as I type .
    55. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      By leaving, you let the A.H.'s win!. I have threatened to leave, but will stay just so I don't let "them" win! Why don't the ones we wish would leave do it?
    56. lundy lundy, 10 years ago
      I don't understand why ,
    57. lundy lundy, 10 years ago
      I will miss you ,
    58. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      Dr, if you stay I'll post more Caterpillar .... Pleeeease!

      I have a few hundred to post.
    59. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Az, we are trying to get Doc to stay, not scare them off! LOL!!
    60. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      Hey, She loves my CATS.
    61. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      I stand corrected, or put down Az. LOL!
    62. DrFluffy DrFluffy, 10 years ago
      You all are so wonderful... Love you guys!!
    63. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Why don't we cut the crap Fluffy! Cowards run! Stick with us thru adversity & be stronger for your efforts. A week or month in St. Maarten & you will have a grin on your face & won't be able to remember what all this hullabaloo was about! Don't let them win! Run, & you are the loser! Don't let them win! Rally with us & you win!
    64. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      I still think it was a research expert.
    65. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Fort, I certainly don't understand your reasoning there! I still don't know what happened, but why would a "research expert" attack a peaceful (mostly) forum?
    66. fortapache fortapache, 10 years ago
      It was self proclaimed research expert as we had a few discussions like the one about the shotgun. I guess I ought not say anything as it may not be him.
    67. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      I remember that guy!

      Don't know of his involvement with anything lately, but your mention of the "research expert" certainly made me laugh.

    68. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      The "flintlock" guy? I doubt it. I can only speculate as I still don't know what this is all about. What does keep coming to mind, is, "Throw a rock into a crowd, & the one hit screams loudest". Hope that doesn't apply here.
    69. AzTom AzTom, 10 years ago
      I've wondered what happen to that "Research Expert" a few times. One day all his posts were gone.

      Doc, I think you have a record post here. This will be #75 yet only 3 loves,lol
    70. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 10 years ago
      wow! i missed all the drama. i do hope all the good people stay and the bad folks go far away. i'm glad i missed it, but reading thru these posts has been interesting. i've grown very fond of so many of you, that i hate to see it fall apart over some stupid troll seeking exactly that kind of reaction. i'm a little bit proud to report that i have very thick skin and have no problem telling nasty people to go jump in a big vat of acid! [in person as well as in our little digital world of collectors]. peace out...
    71. REED, 10 years ago
      I don't quite know what happened except hints from other posts but I find people are much more brave when you don't have to look them in the eye when they put up rude comments.
      Lets see them do it to in front of the person then they are like little sheep.
      I didn't get to know you so well but I wish you the best Dr.Fluffy
    72. REED, 10 years ago
      I don't want to give this post a love because we hate to see you go.
    73. REED, 10 years ago
      Please don't leave. Don't let this troglodyte of a person who probably lives down in his mothers basement slobbering cheetose while staining his big belly. A type of person who is happy making others unhappy because he is unhappy himself.
      The person or persons are nothing but cowards getting off thinking no one will be able to catch them. A low life jealous of those with a life.
      He's afraid of face to face confrontation hiding behind a screen name.
      Sorry I rambled. Things like this really erk! me
    74. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Reed, I think you summed up my feelings too.
    75. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Mine too. Pleease don't go DrFluffy
    76. Koppel Koppel, 10 years ago
      Oh nooooo! I felt I was only just getting to know you! I have been away and returned today to this. Happy Trails DrFluffy!
    77. REED, 10 years ago
      Thank you blunderbuss2. This mutant should really be taught a lesson.....
      Anyway I agree with all your friends Dr. Fluffy...don't let this Jack-A$$ have this power over you. He's probably laughing while munching on a twinkie.
      Your stuff was really cool. I always loved seeing all the fancy colorful jewelry you displayed. You even got me looking in the jewelry counters at antique shops without realizing. You've had an impact on every ones life in here
      NO PRESSURE! chuckle.
      DON'T GO!!!!!!!
    78. kerry10456 kerry10456, 10 years ago
      Understand completely, take caremy friend, I'll see you on the other side/
    79. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      What about all this expert reference material we no longer have access to when people withdraw their posts? We not only lose friends, but all that compiled info..
    80. toolate2 toolate2, 10 years ago
      Seems I'm coming late to this party. I saw the pics and reported them. I've had people make unkind remarks on my posts and I've deleted them. Ultimately, we're in control here and the good people at CW have got our backs! I love this site. It's full of two of my favorite things... Great people and cool collectibles! You should stay Doc............
    81. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 10 years ago
      DrFluffy, sorry to see you go. If you feel up to it later, please come back & join us.

      We should all be mindful of the details we post here. And it never hurts to be kind & respectful to others.

      As for the porn, I saw the first one and clocked off. Luckily I have some sight loss, its the first time only seeing fuzzy images was helpful (I can still spot an arts & crafts jewel from 50 paces though!).

      Remember, we control what we see and read. If it's ugly or hurtful, switch your computer off. Trolls only have power if you look at it or read it. So I support DrFluffy's decision - even though its disapointing. Good luck with your collecting.
    82. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 10 years ago
      Dr. F, I can't always look when I see someone posts, and so I missed what made you leave. I'm certainly glad I missed it, but most sorry to see you go. I always loved seeing your comments on my posts. Thanks for your help, and I'll miss you, and hope you come back! :-(
    83. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      I've been thinking about a little competition for a while and I think in light of all that's been going on this would be a good time. I don't want to give any details yet to keep it fair . And I do want EVERYONE to feel comfortable about joining in. I will post details and get it started tomorrow if no problems come up .There will be "A Major Award"
    84. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Hedgewalker, I will feel a lot more comfortable with your idea if you swear you don't work for the gov't. in any way, whatsoever! LOL!!
    85. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      I swea,uh uh I swe,um I uh did I say there is going to be "A Major Award"?
    86. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      Hedge, that sounds like a politician! Sound, but nothing said! LOL!!
    87. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      I'm sorry to see you go I have been off line & found a Email from you saying you were unsure what I meant so went to check post to see what you meant & nothing was there then I come across your post I hope it is nothing to do with me because I wouldn't not deliberately hurt anyone. Please say it isn't so I cannot even think of the post you were always full of such top information.
    88. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      I'd just like to echo what BB said about the shame of losing info when posts are deleted. I decided to delete some posts awhile back, I thought I had too many, but regretted it every time ive gone to look up something just to find i deleted the post :(
    89. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 10 years ago
      Regarding deleting posts. I do it quite regularly for security reasons. But I've set up a private Pintrest board to keep my records.

      That way I always have access to it and I can (& do) repost to share info with a fellow collector. I also use it as a private archive. It's not as fun as keeping your posts up on CW but it does the job.
    90. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Good idea Jewels. I tried Pintrest but not been able to get the hang of it. I've started writing down some bits of info in a note book, or put little stickynotes under my vases :) but there's always more on here than I can keep up with.
    91. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Try just deleting the ones with the garbage & keep the ones with the information see if you weren't such a great help to us all you wouldn't have the problem.
    92. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      That's what I do now. Every once and a awhile have a 'spring clean' while keeping anything i remotely useful :)
    93. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Sorry DrFluffy for slightly high jacking your post. Even a 'goodbye' post has something nice & useful to say:) If you decide not to return, i wish you all luck in your future.
    94. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Nadia I kept your Email address now I know what it's for as it really never said anything so I can catch up with you that way take care don't let the odd person get you down & stay with us pleasure if not I'll Email dear lady
    95. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 10 years ago
      Hi DrFluffy, I'm really sorry to see that you have left the site. I hope when everything has settled you will decide to return to CW.
    96. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      You are missed, DrFluffy. I imagine you are busy with your new career, but drop in here occasionally, and so I thought I would share this link with you, as I know one of your hobbies was collecting pins. This link may help with IDs.

      Hope you are well.
    97. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Hi, just pop in to say hello, and as Katherine, miss you :-)
    98. Zowie Zowie, 10 years ago
      Came across this Email so I thought I would just say hi & I hope all is going well & you are thinking about coming back
    99. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 10 years ago
      We all hope so! Things just aren't the same.
    100. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Someone revived an old post, which I looked at and read the comments on. I saw this user, whom I didn't recognise, and found this-- thus deciding to read all 103 remaining comments.
      Pretty much every forum will come under attack in some way. On my own site, porn-posters from Asia struck and kept coming in under different IPs by 'bouncing' them. I've seen it plenty on a chat-site I moderated (worst nightmare).
      On the first forum I joined, I came in just after the users tore themselves apart. Most of the old posts are people saying, "That's worthless," or, "What are you so happy about?" and trying to outdo each other and put each other down.
      Typically, that's how collecting sites go: Outdoing each other. LOL.
      Anyway, this is an interesting post. I gathered what happened (bondage, really?) from one user in particular, but am till confused on the research aspect of it (Apache?)
      The best way to handle them is as the Staff posted: Don't engage them (unless you're a moderator and can ban them after messaging that you are very displeased with them). Report and relax. All things must come to an end (even your collections will one day be destroyed, no offense, but it's true). So too will the problem people.
      The problem people seek to upset other users. It benefits them when you respond negatively and get all worked up.
      It's a shame to see other users feeling intimidated and like they should leave, but I've left forums before when things were obviously not going right. I did it again recently, due to people misinterpreting me and then not wanting to listen to my explanations on one forum where the essay I posted was never even meant to be a discussion, let alone argument. I also left my notice at my volunteer weekly job of ten years-- next week will be my last official work there, all because of people-problems that were not resolved (with the owner, anyway).
      The user's account is still active, meaning her(?) email is still valid. Perhaps the user would like to know who still remembers her, albeit she may not see it for a while.
      Most emails delete after 1 year of disuse by the user.

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