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FM Konstglas polar bear

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1483 items)

    Here is a 5"H x 9"W ocean blue glass polar bear by FM Konstglas of Ronneby Sweden with original label ca the 1970s

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    1. Shuzbut Shuzbut, 3 years ago
      hey that's a pretty blue one...FM Konstglas new for me to learn about ...'-) what would you recommend for a book for European glass animals ...? thanks jenni..
    2. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      Glass Animals & Figurines (Schiffer Book for Collectors) Paperback

      murano zoo site fish and invertebrates

      bridges - Nichols collection birds by Toikka
    3. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 3 years ago
      Beautiful blue bear, I originally thought it was an anteater! XD
      He is beautiful, color is a lovely deep dark blue like the sea up there I imagine...?! I love the way he seems to be hunting, or at least gazing into the water -maybe at his reflection? Lovely sleek pose on him
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 3 years ago
      Such a cool blue bear!!!
    5. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 3 years ago
      He would look so pretty in the snow we just got overnight :)
    6. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      With sincere thanks all for the love

      Thank Shuzbut for your super comment for this glass polar bear, yes I think it's a wonderful shade of blue myself. About books for glass animals, I thank apostata for his good recommendations, but the only European glass animal books I have are about Italy's Murano and there are several good ones, try to find those with photos (I think Leslie Pina did a good one, she's also done books on US glass, most for Schiffer Books), they can be expensive but most book sites like "a" have used copies for a lot less $. You can also google images to see glass animals in comparison to others to glean the style. Most of my non-US glass animals have labels, this way there's no doubt, and you can see mine & other members glass animals by using the CW search box above (i.e., if you type in glass bears, CW has many for comparison). Good luck :)

      Lol Lauren, I can see the anteater look in the head but not the huge body - it's hard to tell but there are legs very close together and angular in the typical spare Swedish style. I know you love polar bears so I've been scouting for them & found one other for a future post that is more recognizable & hope you'll enjoy. I agree, this blue is like the cold northern seas where you find polar bears! Thank you for your fabulous comment

      Thank you vintagelamp for also loving this blue and your great comment, it's a really striking color esp on a sunny day when I took the pictures. Winter here is mostly so overcast that I jump for joy when some sunshine peeks thru & I can get better pix of the glass colors

      MrsT thank you for your lovely comment, we have had only one snowstorm so far this year but now all the white is gone, I will have to try taking pix against a snowy landscape that is a great thought!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Gorgeous piece of glass, I don't think people realize its a wild animal and it is HUGE !~
    8. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 3 years ago
      Hey now! Surprise visit!!! ;). Hope all is well! Love love this piece!
    9. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks kind friends for all the love it's humbly appreciated

      Searching you are so right, this blue glass shade is primo, it just jumps right at you! Konstglas did alot of animals in this blue & I was really lucky to find this icy fellow. Many thanks for your super praise

      Phil this is one big boy, also heavy, I had to be careful taking pix of him because I usually put the white stand on a tempered glass shelf but had to put it on top of furniture for safety - it all worked out when some sunshine peeked through :) Thank you for your great comment

      Hey there share, long time - GREAT to see you! You are sorely missed on this site, please come back to us :) Thanks my friend for thinking of me, doing fine & hope you are too, been dodging the covid so far with chopped garlic in soup 1X day, it's working plus no vampires in sight lol! Thanks for the kind words about my polar bear too :))
    10. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thank you Blammoammo for the love for this blue glass polar bear, it's truly nice of you and much appreciated
    11. Shuzbut Shuzbut, 3 years ago
      Thanks for the great come back Jenni I'll try and see what I can track down on Leslie Pina I would guess any animal books from acoss the pond would be Something I couldn't read unless I learn German ,French , Swedish, Greek ,Polish,Russia one would think someone would publish one wouldn't you ... '-)) hey thank you again,... stay warm stay safe....later
    12. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thank you Shuzbut for your great comment and happy I could help about the books, there are alot of good ones out there and many of the used ones cost less on the "a" book site. Happy hunting!

      Jb thank you very, very much for all the kind loves for my posts, you are a true friend and it means so much to be remembered, you're the best!
    13. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thank you APEXantiques for the love for this Swedish polar bear, very glad you liked it and always grateful for the thoughtful consideration

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