Posted 12 years ago
(757 items)
Some months ago now I saw this vase at one of my regular Vinnies shops in a posh (up-market) area of Sydney. The asking price was astronomical. I spoke to the people there a months later and asked if they would accept an offer that I even thought was high. I offered them what they would have gotten on ebay but they declined my offer. I waited another two months and saw that it had been substantially reduced. The price was forty dollars less than what I had earlier offered. On this occasion it had me paid to wait. Festina lente!
These Danish Skønvirke pieces are increasingly better appreciated. The most popular make for this type of ware is HAK or Herman Kahler. An alternative is DANICO and the two are often confused.
Danico was a company set up a potter and a businessman in the post World War I period (1919-1929).
Niels Peter Nielsen already had a pottery in the pre-war period in a town near Horsens called Egebjerg. After the war he set up a new business with financial backing of a store owner in Horsens called Corfitzen. Their new pottery included Danmark, Nielsen and Corfitzen in its name “DANICO”. This company produced fine wares in the Skønvirke style, the Danish form of Jugendstil.
The early artistic leader was Eiler Løndal from 1919 to 1922. Danico pieces are usually marked with an impressed stamp and number as in the case of this vase it is the design number 18. I have not found this vase in the catalogue online here:
Two potters Karl Hansen and Frederik Jørgensen were employed from the Herman A. Kähler factory and they brought with them some of the Kähler techniques, including “horn painting”. The horn painting was a difficult technique: a hollowed cow horn, with a goose quill, was filled up with slip, a new horn for each color. The decorator then painted onto the vase with the horn by laying on the slip through the goose quill using it as a pen.
Height 20 cm or 7.87"
Diameter 14 cm or 5.5"
Many thanks kerry, mustangtony and bratjdd!
Looooooove it!....:-)
Many thanks inky!
Many thanks Marty!
Thanks Lisa-lighting!
Thanks Sean, hope you're feeling better today!
Many thanks musikchoo, pawls, czechman and thank you too for that kind comment Phil!
Hello Kevin,
What a lovely piece. It brought Kahler to mind the second I saw it, but the design seemed a bit different. I love this, the color and design, the over-all shape, and the beautiful bottom.
Thanks for the information about it.
Happy Holidays to you and yours,
Many thanks and seasons greetings to you and yours Tonino!
Glad to here, you're feeling better, One step at a time. :-)
Beautiful ! PS our mutual friends spoke yesterday at SOH I received a note :-)
Hey, well done. Thanks for the love too, Mani!
Many thanks Pawls!
WOW I studied this for a long time! The colors look almost 3-D! It is soooo pretty! I am glad you waited to buy! But it must have been hard to do!
Many thanks toracat! It looks like calligraphy in a way. Very stylised chrysanthemums. Other factories did tube lining and did in-fills of colour - Moorcroft, De Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles etc. These guys had different coloured slips and used them as the basis of their decor. Herman Kähler also did this type of work and is supposed to be of better quality than the Danico firm. I believe this one is the equal of any of their work.
God what a beautiful vase!
Many thanks for your kind comments stillwaters!
Many thanks Manikin!
Many thanks Pawls!
Many thanks Amber!
Many thanks Maggadora! Takk fyrir!
Many thanks nldionne and AmphoraPottery too!
Many thanks MANIKIN!
Hi there, I found a vase that looks exactly like yours at a yard sale. It does say Danico made in Denmark with number 18 stamped on it. It may be the twin of your vase. Also, I'm wondering if you know what the value of the vase is? Thank you.
Many thanks Sean and Bel.
These vases are not as popular as the Kahler pieces and values are not high. But who cares? It may not bring three figures but I just enjoy its quirky beauty!
Thanks Vetraio. I'm interested in selling the one I have maybe on ebay. Do you have any idea how much it's worth. Thank you.
Value I really don't do valuations because I am not a valuer.
But if you check out on the net you'll find an indication.
Values are down because of the GFC and remain low.
Good luck with it.
Great find! Even though Danico is not held in such high regard as Kähler (apparently also by the Kähler people themselves - when Danico went bankrupt in 1928, they considered buying stuff from the workshop etc., so they visited and made disparaging remarks about the qaulity of the pottery!), it is sometimes very difficult to tell the difference! There was a third pottery (Annashaab) making pottery in the same style as well. Nielsen seems to have been a very active man - I have a vase from Egebjerg and several from the pottery he ran after Danico: Dagnæs (Dagnaes) 1930-1945. I will probably post them at some point...
Many thanks JENSEN, I for one would love to see more of your pieces. Love the new HAK, just fabulous!
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT 'n TONINo too!
Many thanks KUNSTFORM!
Beautiful piece!
Maxima enim... patientia virtus.
Many thanks AURA & HO2CUKTCHA !!!!!
great read and very helpful...thank you Kev
Many thanks ANNE !!!!!
Hi I have a lot of HAK, Herman Kahler pottery.
Would you say it's a little dishonest for a seller to claim a DANICO incised vase
is a Herman Kahler vase even if it was produced by a former Kahler employee?
Especially if there is no HAK incision.
Hi CHARLES --- Danico is not well known and the Kahler name attracts attention to an item. But the merit of the object surely shines. Danico and Kahler are totally different in my mind. Mind you I hummed and hawed over this one because it was not HAK. It was not cheap. But I loved it!
But I agree that sellers should be accurate in their description. Caveat Emptor !!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !.!!.!
Many thanks BLAMMOAMMO !!!!