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Loetz Phänomen Genre Vase, st PG 830, PN II-831, ca. 1900

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    This is a rare shape and decor for Loetz, enigmatic because it is described in detail on the paper pattern for this shape, but not really given an official name. It is described as follows: Candia mit blauen Dekor (colorless ground with blue decor), tiefe eindrücke (deep indents), Genre wie 830 (genre "like" 830). To break it down, Production number (PN) II-830 is a similar, but smaller, shape than PN II-831, it has shallower indents, and the decoration is drawn directly onto the paper pattern. In the description of the ground color on the PN II-831 pattern, it was originally written as "gelb" (yellow) ground, but this is struck through, and Candia is written. It is iridescent both inside and out, which gives it a yellow hue, even though the glass itself is colorless. The second photo shows a comparison of PG 830 and this vase - it is definitely "like" PG 830, but the decoration is blue rather than silver, and there are approximately double the bands of color over its sister decor. It is properly signed "Loetz Austria". As you can see in the last photo, it is right at home and holds its own against some of the better pieces in my collection.

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    1. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Fantastic. Another newly identified PG. Congratulations. I think I have something similar on the way in transport (but I don't dare say it with complete certainty from the photos yet).
    2. Wow22, 5 years ago
      Last photo is to die for!!!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      congratulations Warren, and recently I recognized one of your treasures on line on a e shop. Expect the social quarentene it is not on detriment....
    4. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Would love to see yours when it arrives, Aleš :)
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      kivatinitz, so far, so good - able to work from home and stay safe. Hope you and your are as well.
    6. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 5 years ago
      Now I know why the seller didn't respond to my PM :)

      Congrats, it's a beauty!

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