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    Posted 6 years ago

    (199 items)

    Picked these up in an antique shop in Perryville, KY when I rode my bike there to see the battlefield from the War of Northern Aggression. Basket full to choose from @ $5. each. Couldn't pass that up !

    Native American Arrowheads
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    TEN 10 Authentic Ancient Indian Arrowheads
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    Five 5 Authentic Ancient Indian Arrowheads
    Five 5 Authentic Ancient Indian Arr...
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    1. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      Pretty cool, they look legit to use the current vernacular.
    2. hotairfan hotairfan, 6 years ago
      great piece of history.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Thomas, you just have to find the right basket in the right shop. LOL !
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      Very nice collection you formed, he haw !~
    5. SEAN68 SEAN68, 6 years ago
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Funny looking maybe, but gets great mileage & eco friendly, although it produces gas. Only come in kick start though. LOL !! Not MADE IN CHINA.
    7. kerry10456 kerry10456, 6 years ago
      Hello Lucas..... greetings from another craziod….. done with most of my health issues and getting online more now.....
    8. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Set all your clocks back a few years, did you ? Glad you're doing better. The secret to immortality is knowing where you're going to die. Then you just don't go there. All the best !
    9. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Holly crap! You pretty much stole those. They are absolutely irie! I had some before that I wished I would not have sold, but that's the way it goes... Happens more often than not but letting go of things, always seems to bring better things and ideas my way, and it's been that way for many years. I would give grips of "stuff" to people I know needed them, and be relieved that it was all gone, only to turn around and get so much more back, it was just crazy! I guess someone, somewhere just knew I would make sure the person needed whatever it was, would get it having been passed my way first!
    10. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Next time when you are in Perryville, KY, Share, drop in and select a few. Antique shop is very close to the police station.
    11. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      I have a friend in Ky. I'm not sure where Perryville is, if it's close to her or not and if I didn't have the CRS thing goin' on I could remember what the name of her city is! haha I'll have to call her and ask her if she's close to Perryville! Those are expensive around here! Crossing my fingers!
    12. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 6 years ago
      Share, everybody has a friend in KY ! LOL !! Like mud-wrestling, you have to get there early to get a seat in the back. LOL !! Have no idea why I threw that in !!
    13. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
      hey I''m checking out of here to much to do this summer other then play with some of the peckerwoods coming in here here's my G mail keep in touch ya old fart ..later Gary
    14. Apollo1oo1, 3 years ago
      the War of Northern Aggression....well it was a slow year that year .... then in just keep rolling on sad thing on both sides....but it looks like we are headed that way on a different many kings and queens here,... and poor Canada ant like them to get upset with there Queen..hmmmm later '-P

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