Posted 14 years ago
(757 items)
Kannetje vase model 159 which unusually has a Nord Holland Plateel mark. C.J.Gellings did some amazing designs for the Kennemerland Pottery in the early 1930's. I love the black and orange drip glaze on the silver ground.
It has a mid century look to it. I like!!
Has a timeless feel. Very beautyfull.
Thanks brownbaby, Mavericklane, Pop_abides, ozmart, vinatgemad, PreyManta, SpunksMum, dj-reverb, marcobabe13 and Finelines too!
Many thanks again BELLIN68!
Many thanks and season's greetings, AmberRose!
Many thanks kulektor!
Many thanks ho2cultcha!
Many thanks inky!
Many thanks ho2cultcha!
Many thanks JayHow!
Orange has been a bit of a preoccupation.
I just got a new Dutch bowl a week or so ago by Stuurman.
Maybe tomorrow.
now this is one of the most interesting things I have seen. Beautiful
Many thanks nidionne!
In this period design became important rather than the decoration. They were cutting down on costs because of the Depression. Rather than spend money and time on painterly effects they tried eye catching design to sell products. An interesting period, very different.
Well they succeeded with the eye catching design part, Very cool.
Thanks nidionne and eyeforbeauty too!
Many thanks ho2cultcha!
Many thanks mustangT!
Many thanks petey!
Many thanks Mani and brat too! Thanks as well spiperato!
Many thanks Marty and ho2cultcha too!
Many thanks SEAN & PHIL too!
Many thanks bratjdd!
Many thanks Deanteaks!
Many thanks MSL and FLEDERMAUS too!
I'm thrilled that you like the Kannetje/cannikin!
It is really one of my most favourite things!
Many thanks for the loves TOM31675!
Many thanks GEO26e!
Many thanks for the loves MSL!
Many thanks for the love NADIA!
You are very welcome vetraio50! =)
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!
Many thanks MACKAYFIRST.
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE!
Many thanks LISE 'n CATTEANN!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA 'n NORDICMAN !!!!!
Many thanks CATTEANN!!!!!
Many thanks GEO !!!!!
Many thanks NUTSABOTAS !!!!!
Many thanks LISE !!!!!
This piece is a stew of exciting things going on.
Many thanks AMPHORAPOTTERY !!!!!!
It's really one of my favourite things!
Your description fits it very well.
Love the look of this vase!
Many thanks POPS & RUSTFARM !!!!!!!!!
The design is really extraordinary and the glaze quite different to others I have seen on this form.
Many thanks FLEDERMAUS !!!!!!
Many thanks ANTIQUEROSE !!!!!
Many thanks ARISELLON !!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID !!!!!!
Many thanks AURA !!!!!
Many thanks THOMAS !!! ! !!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!! ! !!!
Many thanks IGGY & ZILLA !!! ! !!!
Many thanks SHAREURPASSION & EZA !!!!!
Fantastic piece!
Many thanks COURTENAYANTIQUES .... I have another now in a similar glaze.
Many thanks EZA & BLAMMOAMMO !.!!.!.!!.!
Many thanks IGGY & KWQD !.!!.!
sorry i have to watch this again , brings back good memoriesy as a kid , i always went to the Kennemer Oudheidskamer first, before cashing the deposists on the empty beerbottles in wijk aan zee
So you would see some of this type of pottery at the Oudheidkamer ??? WoW.
a mod 159 is very valuable a normal run of the mill gelling will do 500, and this one is better , there used to be mod 172 and a mod 9 , probably coming from the Eland or Oprechte veiling Haarlem, the collection changed all the time most were from eelke snel van ee , bakker , the mondriaan pattern was leading sorry it,s to long ago and i believe they had to sell
i am too optimistic i see , the blokjesvasen en the the mondriaan are 500 and up, this is slightly less then 350-420
mailed hjg bakker the son of the pottery painter , earvases sucks but this oneWILLdo because its not likely an SPUITER (sort of airbrushing, i believe)
It was the glaze that got me actually on this one. I do have the same glaze on another shape .... damaged but I bought it anyway. I will have to go and have a look for it.
took some time made in 1934= 100 % sure and the value in 2001 was 131 euro, well nowadays you, cant buy this for 131 euro , thats for sure,finally i delivered
Many thanks APOSTATA … I have noted that they are beginning to be more appreciated.
Many thanks GRUFF !!!!!