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1911 Harley-Davidson 8A Single - The Original Silent Grey Fellow

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)


    Original 1911 Harley-Davidson. Restored original Harley-Davidson 8A Single - Silent Grey Fellow with original rebuilt engine. Masterful restoration with painstaking attention to the smallest details. This is not a reproduction. Bike starts and runs beautifully. Great fun and a real conversation starter.

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    1. Rustkeeper Rustkeeper, 15 years ago
      WOW!!!!! speechless
    2. chet randall, 14 years ago
      we have a 1912 that my dads dad bought in 1914, its original with tire pump and lamps,and dry cell battery type. my dad had many bikes but this was his favorite. he had it in wisconsin for the 100th anniversity before he died, there are 6 of us and none of us can afford to buy it from the others, please help, must sell.
    3. chet randall, 14 years ago
      1 810 750 3854, between 1pm and 5pm most days, please leave message. michigan U S A.
    4. TheMotorClub21, 14 years ago
      Hi Chet,
      I'll give you a call Thursday at the number above.
      Tom Martin
    5. Echo_Delta Echo_Delta, 14 years ago
    6. kerry10456 kerry10456, 14 years ago
      VERY NICE,SWEET, AND Very,Very clean, I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing
    7. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      A lot of sweat and tears went into this restoration! Thanks for sharing
    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      That is too sick right there! Love it!
    9. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      WOW! My all time favorite...not sure how I missed this. VERY NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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