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Rare Loetz PN II-2501 hellrosa and candia silberiris Iris boudoir lamp ca 1905

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (94 items)

    I almost fell out of my chair when I saw this boudoir lamp listed for sale. It is three of my favorite hobbies rolled into one: flowers, Loetz glass and lamps! Fortunately I had seen the pattern in Lnenickova's reference book and made the mental note that if I EVER saw one I would buy it immediately.

    This is a rarely found Loetz PN II-2501 art glass lamp ca. 1905. It has 3 rows of 3 petals: the inner 3 are hellrosa, the outer 6 petals are candia silberiris and the base is clear covered with creta frit and has pulled attachment points. This lamp has a polished pontil and the foot has a raised ruffle to accommodate the cord. The entire piece is highly iridescent with the exception of the pink inner petals which are less so.

    This amazing beauty sadly arrived with a modern candelabra socket and new white plastic cord, which I will replace with a more appropriate cloth cord set and Art Nouveau plug. It is about 7" (180mm) dia. and 6" (150mm) tall. It is a substantial piece and hasn't a single chip anywhere on it, despite it's age and all those "chippable" edges!

    The seller stated that this piece came from the estate of Carl Duke who passed away last fall. Duke was a renown artist and the former head of the Visual Arts Department at Pensacola State College. Thank you Mr. Duke for appreciating and preserving this stunning piece of Loetz glass!

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Hi Broochman! You sure got that right!
    2. clockerman clockerman, 6 years ago
      You know all the stuff is great!!
      But all I gotta say is that it is very Sexy
    3. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 6 years ago
      Hi Sammyz. This is Fantastic! I think I'd have fallen off my chair too.
    4. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Super beautiful piece & congrats on a wonderful find
    5. sklo42 sklo42, 6 years ago
      This would light up the room before you even switched it on! Amazing........
    6. larksel larksel, 6 years ago
      Amazing piece. Congratulations.
    7. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 6 years ago
      Superb! Congratulations on a really magnificent find!
    8. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      So fabulous! An absolute treasure!
    9. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Stunningly beautiful!
    10. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Good morning all...thanks so much for the loves and comments! I am still a bit stunned over this beauty! I can't wait to refurbish the lighting components in a more antique manner.
    11. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      As someone that collects early period lighting, this is a real treasure of a find!! Congrats!!!
    12. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Hi Craig! Thanks. You are absolutely right! This is a gem. It is absolutely MINT as if it arrived in its original box. I am so tickled to have it!
    13. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 6 years ago
      What an amazing piece, Sammyz!!
    14. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Hi Michelle, thanks!
    15. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 6 years ago
      Wow! What a beauty! Congrats.
    16. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Thanks Deb! I will post a pic lit up when I get it re-wired.
    17. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Thanks MALKEY! Great to see you back on CW!
    18. nittygritty1962 nittygritty1962, 6 years ago
      Simply a beauty!!
    19. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Thanks nittygritty1962!
    20. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 5 years ago
    21. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      Beautiful Green :)
    22. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Hi Trey! Thank you. Hope you are well.
    23. Trey Trey, 5 years ago
      You are welcome :) The family is great:) The Green reminds me of my first truck :)
    24. IVAN49 IVAN49, 5 years ago
      What is the upper,separate part depicted at the top of the drawing ? Missing insert ? It was obviously meant to be inserted into the flower.
    25. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Hi IVAN49. The upper portion of the drawing depicts the pink portion of the lamp which is all one piece. The artisan blows the center portion, then attaches the petals and base to that part.

      No this is an intact piece, nothing missing here!
    26. inky inky, 5 years ago
    27. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Thanks inky, glad you enjoyed seeing it!

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